Chapter 33

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It's mid-November. Students were waiting in class for lessons to begin when the announcements began. "Good morning, Akademi High School. This is your principal with your morning announcements today. I know many of you have been anxiously waiting for this day. In a week, we will host our annual Sports Day!"

All throughout the school, students burst into excitement. Their joy rang throughout the halls. You could hear their voices in every inch of the school. Teachers did their best to calm them down, but there was still chattering.

"Each year will be divided into four teams. Your teachers have already been informed of which team your class is a part of. I hope all of you will work hard this week to make your teammates, teachers, and parents proud. I wish you all luck!"

"Mrs. Fukahori! Mrs. Fukahori! What team are we a part of?"

Mrs. Fukahori reached into her podium and pulled out a flag. "We're team yellow this year!"

There are a total of eight classes in each grade. Every two classes were combined into a team. "Miss, what class are we teaming up with?"

"Our teammates are class 2-3." Mrs. Fukahori placed a piece of paper on an empty desk in the front. "All of you, please sign up for your desired competition. Any students who haven't signed up by the end of the day will be assigned whatever competition slots are left over. Spots are limited, so be quick."

One of the school's bullies raised her perfectly manicured hands. "Do we have to participate?"

"Unless you have a written excuse from the principal, then you must participate."

The bully crossed her arms and huffed, "Whatever."

Students got up to talk to their friends about which competition they wanted to sign up for. Mrs. Fukahori, understanding everyone's excitement, decided lessons could wait for today.

Engeika walked up to Ayoshi's desk with a smile. "What are you going to sign up for, Aishi-kun?"

"I do not know. I have never participated before. The principal has always given me a written excusal."

Engeika furrowed her brows, "How come?"

Ayoshi looked out the window, "... I do not know. I have never been told."

"Are you not allowed to participate?"

"I am allowed, but since the principal has decided to excuse me, I followed along with his wishes."

"Do you want to participate?"

Ayoshi looked back at Engeika, "... yes."

Engeika's face brightened and grabbed Ayoshi's hand to drag him to the front of the class. "Come on, let's go pick something out."

"What competition do you sign up for?" Ayoshi asks.

"I like to do the sack race. It's been the competition I've chosen since I was a kid. Haha, not very elegant but very fun!" Engeika grabbed the sign-up sheet and quickly wrote her name. She then handed the paper to Ayoshi. "So it looks like the three-legged race, 100-meter dash, and relay race are still open. Which one looks good to you?"

Ayoshi scanned the paper, "I think I will do-"

"I apologize for my tardiness, Ma'am. I was discussing arrangements for Sports Day with the principal." Megamo walked through the door, his authoritative voice silencing the classroom.

"Do not apologize, Student Council President. The principal has already informed me that you will be late to class some days."

Megamo bowed, "Thank you." He noticed Ayoshi and walked over. The stress of the day melted away at the sight of Ayoshi wearing his hair stick and he smiled. "Have you chosen an event?"

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