Chapter 1

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User 45716345676:You old hag.

Klepatraopatra: you are very ugly.

Sepiniana : you stupid hoe you don't deserve him.

Your mums whore: leave my man alone, you stupid son of a bitch.

My phone has been vibrating with the notifications from my  different social media accounts that I had to close my comment sections of my recent post and even filter them but people are still commenting even on my past photos and videos, as old as last years posts.

You know what? I never thought this day would arrive.
The day that I would actually would be the bad guy on the same people that say that they are my fans. I know that not all of them are my fans but I have see some comments like"i have always liked her although I knew that she was problematic and now I'm not going to be her fan any more". Such things hurt more than if it was just somebody who was not a fan.

Why are you behaving like this is the first time you are on the front page of a magazine? Said Angelo.

Yeah I mean I know that, you don't have to remind me but you also have to remember that every time I've been on the magazine if not for my talent it was because of rumors that were baseless. I say.

So what's the difference this time round?

This time round is because I know that it is a setup and this is my most engaged with false rumors that is even making me loose fans.

More like people who pretended to like you but ran away at the first sign of problems? He asks.

You know they are still my fans, I try to explain to him.

To me those are not fans,and please stop reading those comments if you still want to have a career after all this.

I know how you feel, it happens to the best of us I tell him while giving him a goodbye side hug as I head to the practice room.
To the practice room you should be .

I know that's where I was headed to, I say with a chuckle. You do know that the world tour has to happen. It's not time to relax. And sorry about the mess I have caused.

You don't have to be, the media will forget all this by the time the album is released now get your ass out of here.

I start heading to the practice room where my dance team is currently waiting for me.

Sorry for not introducing myself to you. I'm Jorjie Natalia Hope. I'm a singer and recently I have been on my first big media scandal. My mum has been making me go on blind dates for the past few months whenever I am home and it seemed like recently some of my blind dates have taken it upon themselves to go sell the story to the media not to forget that Daniel my best friend since elementary has been seen with me lately in different award shows and public places and so the media and people out there think that I have been cheating on him with all these men that I was photographed with leading to me trending on Twitter for the past few hours or more like the whole since its almost evening at this point.

I do know that some people are having a field day with me having to face the public. That's something that I had to accept the first time this happened those were some of the realities that I had to go through to get to where I am today having started making and producing songs at sixteen and reaching the peak of my career at an early age of eighteen.

You know maybe we should bring your album release to next week or even today while the Iron is still hot instead of waiting for three other weeks and yet everything is ready. Says Angelo my manager.

No Angelo we are not going to use a scandal to get more views, I have done pretty well on my own without clout this far I've come I tell him before he gets too serious and tomorrow morning I wake up with the album out before I know it. I'm not about to try him out.

I head to my practice room to start my practice and forget everything that is being said on the internet because I know better than to check.

Its past midnight as I am getting out of the company building. The rest of the team and backup dancers already left the studio at around seven in the evening. I decided to remain and continue working on a new single I will be releasing at the end of the year.

I wait for my Uber to pick me up as I scroll through my phone to see what takeout restaurants are still open.
The Uber comes and I get into the car ordering what I want to eat which is Chinese and hope it gets to my place before I arrive home.

My phone rings and i see it is my mum.

What mum?

Is that how you talk to your mother?

Sorry mum, But you also know that I am in a problems right now because of you.

Hey! Hey!. I just arranged the blind dates I didn't tell them to sell the story.
But all the same those stupid fuckers how could they do such a thing to my baby?

Mom stop being dramatic. I say as I adjust my face mask so that the driver can not recognize me.

I'm being dramatic??? My daughter is being hated on because of some stupid boys and you are saying I'm being dramatic?

Mom, mom, try to be calm this is why I always tell you to stop this arrangements they are of no use.

But if I don't do this I will never get to see my grandchildren at this rate.
Do you even have a boyfriend?


Just asking, she says.

Are you still a virgin?

Mom!!. I am hanging up on you.

Yeah yeah and I will then have to arrange another blind date for you.

Mom!! I am tired I'm from practice I will talk to you when I have the energy to have this conversation with you.

What are you eating tonight?

Chinese why?

I told you to start eating healthy because of your work but you don't listen to me.

Okay mum bye I've arrived home I will talk to you later, I tell her that as I alight the Uber and pay the driver.

Love you my baby take care.

Love you too mum goodnight.

As I hang up on my mum I look up to see a couple of paparazzi at the front of my apartment building and although I have dressed comfortably I do not intend to give this people some more things for them to start discussing about me in the morning breakfast shows tomorrow.

Just before the Uber driver leaves my takeout arrives at the same time.

Hey can you wait for me a little I want you to take me to the nearest park.

Sure no problem.

I take my food from the delivery guy and get back into the Uber.

I felt like the first chapter needed a change and so I did a little changes here and there and made it longer because it was also very short. I hope you like it because this is my first book to write and publish here.
The story gets better as it continues.

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