Chapter 8

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I'm in my office when I get a notification on my phone that Natalia has posted, I get this since I opened social media accounts like tiktok and Instagram that I did not have or need just so I can see what she is upto. Before I met her I just had Twitter  but now i  just had to see her online if I couldn't do it physically  and because I just can't control myself not after yesternight and not with her. I was even trending yesterday on Twitter because everyone and their mothers were wondering why all of a sudden I was in all social media platforms leading to me gaining a lot of followers on these platforms overnight especially after following only Natalia on them and not anyone else . Some people just make me shake my head. I check on my phone telling myself that it is a much needed break from looking at documents for the past two hours. I see that she has posted that she will be going live on good morning America in a few minutes and what do I do?.

I turn on my office TV that I have never bothered to watch since it was bought. I watch the whole show and even notice the change in her body language at some point. At this point I'm asking myself how come I have never heard of her or seen her. She is also asked of any love interests and I see her blush and although she hasn't mentioned any names I feel and hope that I am the one causing her to blush on national television. The host even asks why I'm suddenly following her on all her socials which causes her to blush even more but she responds with no comment. I chuckle by myself as I watch her.

After the interview I mute the TV and get back to work.

It's lunchtime and I have a business lunch with a prospective client and as I leave my business building going to my parked car where Matt is there holding the door open for me ready to take me there  I decide to. I go on Twitter to check on the latest news going on only to see a video trending of paparazzi ambushing her with questions that even make me mad.

I immediately call my PI.
I want the information of all the paparazzi who asked Natalia questions this morning in the video that is circulating online right now.

Sir who is Natalia?

The singer Jorjie and I want that information before I get to my next meeting that is in twenty minutes, I hung up the phone before he can say anything and immediately call Natalia.


Hey you. She says and  I let out a laugh.

How are you i hope those people did not hurt you.

No they didn't I'm just angry nothing much.

Ooh okay. Are you still okay with our date today or should we reschedule?.

I'm good and it will help me cool down.

What are you doing right now?.

Heading to a shoot and you?

Going to meet a client right now.

Ohh then let me not hold you up right now.

It's not a problem plus you are more important.

I hear her clear her throat in the background, ooh okay that's something new, she says.

What's new?

Nothing nothing i will talk to you later i have just arrived at the location. Would you please send me your address?

Mmh why?

Because I will be picking you up and I have a package for you.

Okay thank you, have a good day.



I hung up the phone just as PI calls me.

Any news?

Sir I have found their information and Ive sent them to your email.

Okay. I say as I hung up.

Sarah I want you to get into contact with these three media houses and tell them that they have two hours to apologize to Jorjie a public apology at that and  it has to be genuine that she will accept or I will make sure that they will file for bankruptcy by tomorrow morning and will be out of business by noon.

Yes sir.

And ensure that they don't say that this is my command.

Yes sir.

I can't allow them to harrass my girl  and I know that you are going to say that she is not my girl. I know that and I also know that she will be my girl very soon.
I had looked at her information and only got the music part of her life but nothing private about her was online. And I found out of the so called scandal that they are talking about right now that coincidentally happened around the time we had first met last year.
I arrive at my destination where I meet with my client who seemed to not see that I was in a bad mood .

You know what Mr Whiteland I'm not in the mood to pester you and yet am also the one investing in your business it seems that we have nothing to talk about, I start saying.

No Mr Lee I did not mean that In a bad way.

And you expect me to believe that?. Or since I'm young you expected me to be stupid and invest without doing a background check on you?.
I know that your company is dieing and you do not have the funds to even keep your company afloat for another one month or did you think that I believed your fake crap of financial statements?. His face goes pale at the mention of the fake papers that he brought to my office.
I knew you were playing me from the beginning and I just wanted to see how far you could take it.
It seems like you don't have a conscience or maybe it's just on people that you think are stupid.
You will be hearing from my lawyers, the little money that you have on you will have to be used in the law suit. I say to him as I stand up to leave, only for him to go on his knees and beg for forgiveness.

I'm sorry sir it wasn't me it was my secretary.

Ohh so your secretary decided to approach a whole company and fake documents without your knowledge?

I I I'm sorry sir I don't have any money.

Then you shouldn't have thought of betraying and stand up I'm not God that you are asking for my forgiveness. I say as I leave the bill on the table and get out of the restaurant, I have had enough of this day.

I get into my car as I call my pilot to get the plane ready. It's about time I finish the preparation for the date.
Just the thought of her is bringing a smile to my face, can't wait to see my girl.

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