Chapter 2

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Keith's pov

I'm sitting on table in my neighborhood park when a girl who has a mask on and a takeout bag comes and sits on one of the park benches closest to the entry. I know she hasn't noticed me because I am sitting in the shadows.
My can of beer is almost empty and I am almost leaving so I talk to her to inform her of my presence.

Hey?. She looks around trying to figure out who is talking to her.

Hey, i didn't expect to find someone else in the park this late.

Yeah  same here but behold there are two now and such a beautiful lady  for that matter.

Got a lot of things on my mind. She says. As she opens up her food and starts eating it.

Huh same over here. I say with a laugh although I know it is only a front for me to not break down all over again in front of this beautiful stranger. It's not every day that your girlfriend of three years aborts your kid without telling you and still has the audacity to cheat on you. I say as I chuckle.

Wow, I don't know what to say.

No need i have come to accept it or at least I'm trying. I tell her as i question myself why I'm oversharing with a complete stranger because this is actually the first time I'm talking about it willingly to someone without having to be forced to talk about it.

Then my problem is nothing in comparison to yours. She says but I don't believe her.

No it's still important, because if it wasn't then you wouldn't have been here in the middle of the night, tell me what is bothering you.

Nothing much only that the blind dates that my mother has planned for me and enjoying time with my best friend have back fired on me and have become a recipe for a disaster in such a big and messy way.

Wow, I don't know what to say about that. I say to her.

Just laugh because if I myself don't laugh I will cry. She says that and I really do relate to her so much in this moment because back at home everybody is walking on eggshells with me as if I will explode at any given moment.

I do finish my drink and stand up to leave.

Keith Min Lee I stretch my hand towards her.


My name, I say.

Ooooh I have a lot on my mind sorry.

No problem I understand

I'm Natalia Hope .

Wow beautiful name for a beautiful lady.

Thank you she says.

I see her checking me out from Head to toe as she takes a keen look on my neck to chest tattoo  that is peeping from the top of my shirt that I usually don't button to the top just because.

I see her checking me out from Head to toe as she takes a keen look on my neck to chest tattoo  that is peeping from the top of my shirt that I usually don't button to the top just because

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I for sure I'm also check her out although she is seated. She has a big black hoodie with baggie sweats and black  airforce on her feet with her ginger hair tied on top of her head. Her chocolate skin drawing Me in closer to her but I do know that it will be creepy of me to make a move on her since we just met plus I am still heartbroken and such a beautiful lady doesn't deserve to be a rebound for me.

I will get going now. I tell her as I leave the park. But I am not able to leave her alone especially this late at night so I wait for her in the darkness and when she finally leaves I follow her from a distance and watch as she gets to what I assume is her building before turning back and going home.

I think I just fell in love. I tell my best friend Niko who is seated on my couch like he pays the damn rent of this place, with my good stuff in his hands.

What? !!! He says as he chokes on  the whiskey he was drinking on my kitchen counter.

I told you to not touch my drinks, I say as I head for the small bar station that I have in the corner of my living room and pour myself a drink too.

Whatever just tell me what happened to you . The past six months since Jess happened he has been the only person who still treats me the same and isn't affected by my change of character. People who have known me will say that I have changed alot and it is true, the once jovial guy who interacted with everyone now changed to a Moody guy who was nonchalant to everyone and everything around him.

Yeah you heard me right I  think I just fell in love. I maybe exaggerating but he doesn't have to know, I just liked the girl enough for me to even talk about her with someone but he doesn't have to know that.

No brother you fell on your head and now you think you have fallen in love. You just left this house two hours ago to go and decompress and you come back saying that you have fallen in love?

Have you forgotten how Jessica did you dirty?

Yeah  who would ever forget that you don't have to remind me, I say as I finish off my drink and pour another one.

Yes I do have to. This is what happens when I don't tell you everyday what women out here have done to you.

Please remind me who is the heartbroken one between us two because the way you talk I tend to forget that I am the hurt one, plus you are the one that has been telling me to move on.

Yes I did. He says as he scratches his beard.

That there are many fish in the sea. Right??? I continue.

Yes I did but I did not mean that you should go looking for the fish this soon.

Hey my girl is not a fish.

And who said that she is your girl?.

I do. Because I know that she will be my girl one day. Even I cringe as I say that because why would such a beauty not be in a relationship and even if I had a chance my stupid brain forgot to ask for her number.

Continue dreaming brother. He says as he laughs at me.

Get out of my house. I tell him. The guy is always in my house that at this point he might just start paying for the lease and the groceries with the amount of time he is always here. I know it is my parents doing. They asked him to be with me at all times as if I am not a grown ass man with businesses and responsibilities.

No man you can't throw me out of your house at two in the morning just because you are angry. Plus Mrs Lee will be very angry if you throw out her favorite son he says as he fixes his hair behind his ear like the drama king that he is.

Yes I can and I will. I say as I go upstairs to do my night time routine before heading to bed. I do have a lot of meetings tomorrow that I do not have the energy to argue with the stupid fucker.

I shower, do my daily night time routine wear my pajama bottoms and get into my bed ready to sleep. That night I dream of the beautiful girl that I met tonight hoping to meet her again to atleast get her number.

We have had  blackouts our whole neighborhood for the past three hours and so I decided to edit and make the chapters longer since there is no electricity and wifi therefore nothing else to do in the dark. Plus I haven't finished my hair and tommorow is Sunday.

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