Chapter 1: The First Encounter

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All that could be heard was the sounds of shoes clicking on the clean white tile of Research Sector-02 of Site 19.

"Are you excited to finally get to work with an SCP?" Dr. Itkin asked you.

"H-huh?" You said, your focus returning to him, "Oh! Yes, I'm very excited! Though, to be honest... I'm nervous at the same time."

He nodded, "Understandable. All this time you've been learning along side your peers with little to no interaction with SCP's. Just follow protocol with them and you'll be fine."

" long have you been working with this SCP?" You asked.

"Too long. If all goes well, I'd be more than elated to pass the duty of this SCP onto you in the near future." He admits.

"Eh? Me? What makes you think I'm a good choice?" You ask as you both reach a humanoid containment cell.

"Let's just say you and this SCP are both passionate about your personal studies." Itkin laughs, unlocking and entering the observation room connected to the containment cell.

Following quickly behind him, the door closes behind you.

"What kind of information am I allowed to know about this SCP?" You ask.

"Oh! You're allowed to know just as much as I am. You'll be studying SCP-049 under me and Dr. Sherman after all." He says, handing you a copy of documentation attached to a clip board.

"Ah, thank you!" You thank him, taking a look at the information before you.

Dr. Itkin nods.

"Just be sure to memorize the information on the first page, at least. The rest are footnotes, recordings, and logs." He says, taking a seat in front of a large glass window facing into the containment cell.

You nod, awkwardly taking a seat beside him turning to face the window.

Sitting at a table, writing in a journal, is SCP-049. A... plague doctor.

Looking over the sheet again, you look back up.

"How often does he write in this journal? What does he write in this journal?" You ask curiously.

"Ah, I forgot that was in the footnotes... we can't decipher it. At all. We aren't sure to say the least." He laughs, "It won't discuss it with us either, other than simple things such as 'research'." 

You nod, turning back to the SCP, "Do- Should I call him... it? He's not an object class so I was unsure but..."

Itkin shakes his head, "Call him whatever you like, though, Dr. Sherman might not like it if you call him.. him. He can be very strict with the handling of SCP-049."

"I'll.. try to remember that." You respond, pulling out your notebook and making a note of it.

"As to how often he writes in that thing, well, more often after his experiments I suppose." Itkin answers, "Though, if it's important to you, we can try to log when he uses it."

You shake your head, "No it's ok! I was just curious."

Dr. Itkin clears his throat, "Anywho, will you be alright in here for a moment alone? I need to step out for a moment."

"Huh? I guess so. Is there anything I should keep an eye out for or...?" You ask, your anxiety peaking.

"Ah, I guess any unusual behavior. If you feel unsafe or anything of that sort, open the clear case over this button and hit it. The armed guards will come."

You nod, writing it down in your notebook.

Just as he was leaving, he turned to you before closing the door, "You don't have to write everything down by the way. It's not a requirement."

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