Chapter 7: Transfixion

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Putting 1048's drawing on the wall of your room, you admired it.

Really, these blank walls could use more coverage. You're able to purchase items through the foundation with your income, so it only makes sense to buy more decorations for your room.

Skimming through online stores, you find more wall coverings for your room, spanning from butterfly decals to a calendar.

Since you're now in charge of two SCP's, on a team or not, it only makes sense to get a calendar to keep track anything you plan.

Quickly you stopped on herbs, almost scrolling past it.

Wouldn't it be nice if you made 049 a lavender pouch for him to carry around?

Purchasing a black fabric with faint botanical patterns, you also added in some herbal tea for him.

You just hoped he liked chamomile. 

Surfing around the web for a little longer, you also decided to get a friendship bracelet kit for 1048 and you to play around with.

Yawning, you look at the clock before quickly adding them to your request spreadsheet, before getting in bed.

It was already 10 at night! Time really flies when you're having fun.

Turning off your light, you adjusted your blanket, trying to get comfortable and finally relaxing.

Maybe you should've ordered a mattress pad too.

Just as quickly as thoughts ran through your mind, you fell asleep, waking to obsessive knocking at your door.

Jumping out of bed and throwing on your slippers and robe, you open the sliding door, face to face with Dr. Sherman.

"Huh? Dr. Sherman, what's going on for you to knock so much?" You said, squinting your eyes at the bright light from the hallway.

"Any idea as to why 049 is belligerent today?! We can't get him to calm down! It's like trying to calm a bull in an antique store!" He said, obviously worn out.

It almost looks like he fought with 049 himself, with how disheveled he is.

-but if that happened, he probably wouldn't be here in front of you right now.

"Just give me a couple seconds to get dressed and I'll be right there, we'll figure this out." You said, quickly shutting the door and putting on your uniform.

Sliding your shoes on, you open the door to see Sherman still waiting for you, pacing nervously.

"Let's go, quickly." You said, keeping a fast pace but not as to outrun Sherman.

They really should let him retire, stress like this can't be good for someone his age.

Opening the door to 049's containment chamber, Dr. Sherman and three guards enter behind you, seemingly using you for coverage.

Which makes sense with how 049 is around you, but now isn't the time to be using you as a shield.

049's back is to you, standing at the back of the room, shaking with anger.

The room was in a complete state of disarray. Table, chairs, and other items thrown about. Taking a final step, you noticed glass bottles must've been thrown in the direction of the door previously.

You felt bad that such important herbs to 049 were a victim of him anger, scattered around you on the floor.

Including his lavender.

This wasn't going to be easy, was it? What could have gotten him so heated?

"049, we need to restrain you while we clean up the mess in here. Will you comply?" Dr. Sherman asked nervously.

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