Chapter 8: From Fondness to Fortune

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Taking a sip of the tea, you sigh and relax.

This tea was a good choice, thankfully.

"Are you a fan of tea, doctor? I recall you mentioning you enjoy coffee when you need a... 'pick-me-up'." 049 asked, his gloved hands wrapped around his cup.

"I actually don't drink tea very often, only if it's - like - ever given to me 'n such," you replied, "-but, this is actually pretty good! It's more of a bed-time tea though." 

"Bed-time tea?" He asked.

You nodded, "Yeah, chamomile. I heard makes people sleepy."

He looked down into his tea for a moment before speaking.

"Chamomile was... is now much more common as a tea, is it not?" He asked softly.

"Hm? Yeah! What else would you use it for?" You asked, confused.

"Salves, perhaps... for treating conditions of the skin, bringing down fevers, and such. Offerings used in temples," he went on, "Ah, forgive me, I ramble."

"No, no! I enjoy your stories. Rambling too, if you wanna call it that. Honestly, hearing more would probably calm me down more... and I could probably use it." You spoke truthfully, adjusting yourself in the chair.

"If my knowledge assists you in any way, I would speak to you 'till the end of my days." 049 spoke, his eyes locking with yours.

Your face quickly heated up, "Oh! That's- That's very sweet of you."

"I'm afraid my specialties do not lie in dentistry, my dear." He apologized.

"...was that a joke?"


You laughed, taking a large breath and sighing, "-but yeah, if you have any other sort of stories about your herbs... and such, I'd be happy to learn a little."

"Why, if you desire, then I am only to offer and benefit your pursuit of knowledge! Let me see... Ah! The tea tree oil, 'melaleuca alternifolia', I sometimes use - as it has antiseptic properties." He started, pretty much forgetting about his tea in his hands, as he went on.

As time went on, you rested your head on your hand, elbow propped against the table.

His studies really were interesting, especially over tea.

It made you wish you were really there with him, as he discovered such things.

"-deters insects, which I for one, cannot help but to appreciate-"

Stifling a yawn, as to not be rude, you nodded as 049 went on.

You really hope to be able to recall as much as him one day, about your studies. You could probably list off your favorite bacteria off the top of your head, and how to handle it, but nothing to the degree 049 is recalling at.

Before long, sleeping swiftly hit you like a wave, your head quickly dropping from its weight.

Too drowsy to notice, 049 quickly slipped his hand under your head, before it could collide with the cold metal table.

Standing up, while keeping his hand under your head, he slowly moved around the table and to your side. Carefully, he lifted your head until it was in the crook of his neck, his arms reaching beneath you and picking you up without much effort.

Lying you onto his bed delicately, he released his arms from underneath you, pausing as he heard the device attached to your lab coat.

"Dr. Y/N? How does it go in 049's containment cell? I heard of what happened when I contacted Sherman about your-" Itkin's voice came over the radio of the pager, 049 detaching it from your coat without waking you.

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