Chapter 9: Mutual Captivity

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"What now 079?" The plague doctor asked, having followed the path of opening just as the next one opened.

As the next door opened, it revealed deceased scientists, seemingly ripped apart my something.

Nothing more than cold bodies lying on the floor, painting it a rusty red.

" must be joking me. These scientists are beyond saving, at the very least, present me with a task I can truly achieve. Not this... sight." 049 sounded disgusted, turning away until his eyes landed on another SCP.

One he heard about from you.

One he didn't particularly favor.

"Assistance. Revival With Tool." 079's voice came over the radio 049 still held tightly in his hand.

"Tool? I need no tool, as my cure is most effective." 049 ignored, reaching down to a scientist before 1048's small arm stopped him.

"1048, I mean no offense to your methods, but I am most sure of mine."

Before he could continue, 1048 quickly pulled a cloth out from 049's pocket. This cloth, previously having been used to clean up and provide pressure to your wound.

"Tool. Effective. 1048 Assists." 079's voice scrambled as he spoke through a speaker attached to the ceiling of the room, seemingly tired of using the small radio to communicate.


As you woke up, you turned on your side to face where 049 sat.

"Doctor, how long have I been out?" You asked, sitting up and rubbing your eyes tiredly.

"Why is it so...," you begin, noticing the emergency lights on and the door closed, "...dark."

Looking around the room frantically, you couldn't find 049 anywhere.

Could he have escaped? There's no way! 

Your keycard was right-

You froze as you checked yourself for your keycard.

It wasn't there anymore.

049 left you.

Why would he leave you?

Running to the containment cell door, you quickly begin banging on it, hoping someone would be passing by it to let you out.

"Is anyone there?! Hello?! I'm stuck in here with no keycard!" You screamed, your voice straining.

After almost 20 minutes of banging on the door, you started to get tired, almost giving up until you heard soft footsteps outside the door.

"Hello?! I'm in here! I'm Dr. Y/N, my keycard has been swiped by 049!" You yelled out.

Hearing the door beep to signify a keycard has hit the sensor, you backed up quickly.

"Thank god! I was starting to think-" You stopped, your words suddenly getting caught in your throat.

You remember reading about this SCP, but you never thought you'd be face to face with it any time soon.

Especially on a body...

"Greetings, Dr. Y/N. How are you this fine evening?" The masked body spoke, a stiff expression of humor carved into the mask.


Great... one of the worst SCPs you could probably run into.

Well, not really, but it doesn't make this situation any better.

Remedy (SCP-049 x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now