Chapter 6: Lavender, Drawings, and Mysteries

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"It's a good change, having something to eat again." 049 said, wiping his mouth and pulling back up the fabric over his mouth.

You nodded, putting the now empty plates and such back on the cart.



It was awkwardly quiet after you both spoke over one another.

"After you, Y/N."

"No, please, after you doctor!" You insisted.

"What.. is it like on the surface?" He asked, clearing his throat.

You thought for a second, remembering the days crossed out on your calendar.

"Oh, it's winter. The first day of December is tomorrow. I'd imagine it's snowing already?" You responded, "Why?"

"You don't return home after your visits to the site?" 049 asked, confused.

You shook your head.

"We have the option to stay here in on-site lodging, or commute back and forth. Since I don't really have responsibilities on the surface, I decided to stay here." You admitted.

"You must have family you miss? Do you not miss the surface?" He asked.

You thought for a second before choosing your words.

"No, I don't, unfortunately. I was a foster child growing up, and focused on my school work. To be honest, I was in my own little world with science and studying it," you laughed, "I was always fascinated by it. Obsessed, even."

He nodded, "I am sorry to bring up any... unpleasant memories."

You smiled, waving it off, "Unpleasant is far from it, I was perfectly happy with learning about the world and organisms. My life only got more exciting once I was hired by the foundation."

"Truly?" He asked, wanting to be sure he hasn't bothered you.

"Truly! Do you miss anything, doctor?" You asked him.

He looked up, seeming lost in thought, "...let me see... time passes much differently for me... Ah!"


"Foraging for herbs was a peaceful past time... and helped towards my cure. I can't say walking that trail was boring. Rather pleasant, it was! Of course, having control over my own work space was also delightful, but as are you, doctor." He said, his gaze landing on you.

"Ah? Thank you! I hope I can make your time here more.. homey.. if that's the right word." You smiled, trying to hide the embarrassment, getting up and pushing the cart to the door before returning.

"Could I look at your work space again? I didn't get a good look at it since I was focused on you work on the D-Class last time." You asked nervously.

"Why of course!" He stood up quickly, delightedly showing you to a large cabinet next to his desk.

There were scattered notes stuck in the corners between the wood and glass on the doors, and other places. Most of it was in French, but it seems like he uses other languages in some places.

"What's this?" You ask, grabbing a bottle of a black substance.

"Leeches," he responded quickly, "Dead though, unfortunately."

Quickly you put the bottle back with disgust, shaking off the 'heebie-jeebies'. 

049 snickered, "Dead, meaning they cannot hurt you."

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