Chapter 3: "A Slap in the Face"

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After lunch, you met with Dr. Itkin and Dr. Sherman to go over your meeting with SCP-049.

Taking a deep breath, you nervously open the door to the meeting room slightly.

Itkin and Sherman turn from their conversation to see you peeking through the door.

"May.. I come in?" You asked worriedly.

"Of course, come! Sit down!" Sherman said excitedly, pulling one of the office chairs from the table out for you.

Entering the room and closing the door, you thank him and sit down in front of the two.

Dr. Itkin organized the papers in front of him and Sherman, taking a look over them.

"So! Everything went smoothly, and to be honest..." Itkin started.

"SCP-049 hasn't taken interest in a doctor like this since.. well, since Dr. Hamm was around." Sherman said, his excited expression dropping slightly.

Dr. Itkin put his hand on Sherman's shoulder for a moment before letting go.

You remember reading and listening to the logs regarding Dr. Hamm.

It was really unfortunate that someone like him was killed in an incident with 049. You still remembered how desperate 049 sounded at the end of that interview.

'I saved... I saved him... Dr. Hamm, I... I cured him... he was sick, I know he was sick, I know he was, and I... you are all sick, but I... I can save you.'

Shaking the memory of the audio log from your mind, you spoke up.

"Am I allowed to continue working with SCP-049? It didn't seem like it believed I had the cure so.. I was hoping to.." You trailed off, making eye contact with Dr. Sherman.

He nodded.

"We actually hope you don't mind, but we discussed it after your meeting with 049 yesterday, and we want to promote you." Itkin added.

Sherman quickly turned to Itkin, "C'mon! How are they going to think I'm cool if you keep telling them all the good news!?"

Itkin laughed, "Sorry, I stole the thunder. Then you elaborate, Sherman."

Sherman cleared his throat and stood up straight.

"We are excited to welcome you to our team, as a fellow colleague, Dr. Y/N! You have plenty of the experience and are more than qualified." Sherman said proudly.

"Sherman and I used this convenient meeting with 049 as a sort of, test, to see if you were ready for such a position. We understand you haven't worked with any SCP's previously, but we won't exactly be around forever." Itkin added, handing you paperclipped documents.

Attached to the paperwork was.. a higher-level access card?

"H-Huh? You really think I'm ready for this? This is a lot of responsibility, won't my peers be upset I gained a promotion so fast?" You asked nervously.

Sherman shook his head, "Compared to your peers, you're actually over-qualified for the assistant position. If it weren't for the requirement to start at that position, we wouldn't have put you there in the first place."

"It is convenient to know how to use our systems and upload logs though, that's one benefit of starting there." Itkin said with a chuckle.

You looked over the documents in you hand for a minute before your eyes hit a section that surprised you.

"I'm allowed to conduct interviews without getting permission from you both?" You asked.

"With 049. That's the only clearance to an SCP you have currently, we would have to discuss any other SCP's you have interest in studying with the higher-ups." Itkin said abruplty.

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