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Evan's POV-

I cut off the alarm clock as soon as is goes off. 

I hardly see a use for it anymore if I am already awake when it goes off. If only melatonin wasn't something your brain could build immunity to over time. Regardless, I can't get it through Michael's thick skull that it doesn't work anymore.

I stumble out of bed to get ready before heading downstairs. Its dark and quiet until I get near the kitchen. 

"It's so damn frustrating! And don't even get me started on math class-" I hear missing pieces of Elizabeth's complaining as I walk into the kitchen. Elizabeth is sitting at the island, with Michael opposite to her. Elizabeth pulls herself out of her rant when I walk in. "Good morning,"  

She smiles. 

I wave and try to smile back, but I absolutely hate mornings. I feel like it was called morning for a reason, no one wants to wake up and everyone is miserable. Mourning and morning are practically the same thing.. 

"How are you feeling?" Michael asks. 

"Tired," I mutter, briefly looking in the fridge. I don't see anything of interest. Probably because I can never think of anything to tell Michael to get when he goes to the store, and I am definitely not going to the store just to look. 

 I hear Michael sigh. 

"You guys have to head out soon. Finish up everything you were both doing." Michael says after several seconds of heavy silence. 

Gregory's POV- 

I let out an internal cry when Vanessa knocks on my door. 


Such a weird thought. 

Anyway, its a new day! And that means I can chose to cause problems, or be alright today. And I have yet to decide.

"Gregory!" I hear Vanessa yell from behind the door. 

"What? I've been awake since the first knock." I call to her.

"Just get ready! You have places to be today," Vanessa replies before her footsteps can be heard descending down the stairs. 

I jolt up and get ready. I'm not particularly excited for school, however, I'm not going to let the fact Vanessa was being a bitch and signed me up without asking me first get to me. Probably. I might give her a hard time about it, later. 

I walk down stairs and into the kitchen. 

"Hello, superstar!" Freddy greets me from on top of the table. It's still difficult to get used to the fact he's nothing more than a head now, even though it's been years. It's just odd. 

"Hey," I reply. Vanessa comes up to me and hands me a piece of buttered toast before ruffling my hair. I gently shove her away. She laughs.

"Alrighty, we gotta go. Bye Freddy." She says, beginning to head for the door. 

"Goodbye superstar and Vanessa." 

"Bye Freddy," I wave to him as I head after Vanessa. 

The school is pretty close by. Maybe ten minutes away. I get out of Vanessa's car and go into the school. There is quite a bit of people in the hallways. Some on their phones, others talking to friends, and a few simply trying to hurry up and get to class. 

I decide it would be best if I get to class. Vanessa said some stuff about getting a schedule in homeroom last night. I searched around for the room number I had been told to find. 

I step into the room, its very quiet compared to the hallway.  Though, there are still people chatting amongst themselves. 

The teacher, Mrs. Collins, greets me. "Hello. You must be the new student. Sit anywhere you would like, there isn't any assigned seats."

She hands me a schedule. 

I feel like I was expecting more.. Maybe this is what Ness said when she was telling me that high school movies are far off from what it's actually like. No one is bursting out in song, either. Damn..

I look around the room at the few people that aren't sitting by someone. I could also sit at one of the tables alone.. But I'm a little bit of a people person, I think. And I don't really like to be alone that much. So I should obviously disturb someone who does. 

I decide on sitting next to a boy near the middle of the class, he had deep brown hair and heterochromia, his blue and green eyes staring holes into the floor. And was apparently was zoned out, because when I tapped on his shoulder,  he jolted back in his chair. 

"Can I sit here?" I ask, gesturing towards the chair beside him, and ignoring the fact he almost punched me. 

He stares at me blankly yet kinda judgmentally for several long moments.

"I don't really care," He shrugs. 

"Okay." I sit beside him "I'm Gregory. What's your name?" 


"That's good. You have a short name. Easy to remember," 

"Mhm," Evan nods slowly, seemingly bored. 

"What's it like here, in this school?" I ask. 

I think I picked pretty well to disturb someone's peace. 

He sighs and looks at me, "I don't know. It's just a high school." 

"I need more detail than that. I'm a first grade drop-out." I explain. 

He stares at me blankly for a moment, "That makes a lot of sense." 

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask, sitting up in my chair, "And I still need more details on the school." 

"Why did you sit next to me, anyway?" Evan ignores me, looking around the room, "There are at least five other empty spots no one sits in." 

"I felt like it." I reply. 

A slighter younger looking blonde girl walks into the room, she waves at Evan before finding a seat near the back, next to a red-headed boy. 

Evan waved back slightly. 

So apparently he does have friends. Never would have guessed. 

"You never answered me-"

Evan cuts me off, "Shut up. Class starts in a minute." 

I think I successfully annoyed him. 

Dead Of Night (Gregvan / Gregory x Evan)Where stories live. Discover now