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Mentions of eating disorders throughout Cindy's POV--proceed with caution. 

Cindy's POV- 

I had to get out of the house and to school early today. 

I can't do another breakfast. I've read the boxes. All the fucking numbers. 

I regret getting on the scale this morning. I feel sick. 

I need to look better for dance class. I have to. The other girls are so pretty. What if they weigh me today? I'm so fucking scared. 

And gum should suffice. 

As an excuse, maybe I'm there early to talk to Gregory, create a plan. That's stupid. I don't even know what time he arrives. And I'd rather wait to do that anyway. 

I should have gotten in the car, but the air is nice, it's a good morning. 

I hate that. Exercising is my coping mechanism, but my therapist says it's dangerous, given my circumstances. 


I run faster. Feeling my shins ache from the pressure and begin to splint. And it's cold. So, so cold outside. 

I run into someone, I feel them try to catch me unsuccessfully before I hit the ground. 

I hear a laugh. It sounds familiar. I open my eyes. 

"What's the rush for, princess?" Cassidy helps me up off the ground. 

"I, uhh-.." I takes a deep breath, struggling to stand once Cassidy helps me up from how much I'm shaking, "I don't know. Just felt like running today." 

"With your eyes closed?" Cassidy asks, stabilizing me by putting and arm around my shoulders, "I mean, do what you want, but at least be careful."

I laugh slightly, still catching my breath, "Sorry." 

Susie gently pats my arm, walking ahead of me and Cassidy. 

"You alright?" Cassidy tightens their hands grip on my shoulder, "You're shaking like a leaf. I don't want to pry, Cindy, but uhh.." 

I nod, "I'm alright right now. It's just cold and early." 

Cassidy gives me a worried look and nods slightly, walking after Susie, helping me walk along with them. 

Cassidy knows already. I've told them before. I hate making them worry. 

"If you say so." Cassidy doesn't exactly seem convinced. "Just know I'm here for you if you want to talk, okay?"

"I know," I smile slightly. Just to let them know I'm okay. 

"Okay," Cassidy smiles back. 

Evan's POV- 

He sits down beside me again in homeroom. I want him to leave, but at the same time I don't really care. I just preferred being ignored by everyone the whole class and not having to worry about talking to anyone. It's draining. 

In the very least, I got a little bit of sleep last night. It didn't help much, but still more than usual. 

"So we really just have to come here and stare at a board almost all day and then go home? That seems boring, and very repetitive." Gregory complains. 

"It is. At a certain point, you'll probably learn how to float a bit better and get used to it." I sigh. 


"Yeah. Just drift through the school day, go home, lay in bed, get up the next day and repeat. Floating through time. Until you get out of here, and actually have to find something to do with your life, anyway." I shrug. 

Gregory shakes his head, "God, that's depressing. I actually want to do stuff, that's, like, different everyday. At least something." 

"Then do that?" I glance at him. He seems very focused, yet not focused at all at the same time. "It's your life. Not mine." 

"I will." Gregory nods. "We should find something to do. Your life seems boring."

"It really isn't that bad." I shrug. 

"I don't care. I'll find something for us to do." Gregory seems determined.

"Like what?" I ask, looking away from him and glancing around the room. It's pretty early, not many people are here yet. 

"I'll figure something out. Where do you live?" 


"Just in case I get an idea and need to go kidnap you." Gregory says, like it was obvious. 

 "Uhh-.." I look back at him, shaking my head slightly. "I could give you my house phone number?"

"Sure," Gregory agrees. 

I tear a small piece of paper out of my notebook and get a pen. Gregory looks over my shoulder watching me write the number down. 

"Write your name on it so I remember," He says, once I'm almost done writing the number. 

I nod, and write my name as well, handing him the piece of paper. 

"Thank you. I forgot it for a moment." Gregory looks over the note before putting it in his pocket. 

"Uh-huh," I nod slowly, flinching slightly at the first bell. It's so loud. 

"I'll get an idea soon enough, I promise." Gregory ignores the bell. 

"Okay?" I take a deep breath. I want to go home. 

Gregory nods once, before looking over at the board. 

Something tells me I'm not prepared for whatever his idea is going to be. 

Dead Of Night (Gregvan / Gregory x Evan)Where stories live. Discover now