"Weather and Guilt.."(8)

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Brief description of violent impulsive thought at the beginning of this chapter. 

Evan's POV- 

Because I don't really get home until four or five in the morning, quickly enough, it's time to get ready for school again. 

I feel a bit dizzy and weak, but that's rather normal. For me, anyway. 

My head is killing me. 

I get up and go to the bathroom, staring at the sink for a moment. I forgot what I was doing. 

I look over at Michaels razor on the counter. 

I can almost feel myself taking the blade out and digging it so far into my eye that it rips through my sclera and pushes through my skull in an array of dizzying colors until it hits my brain with such severity I- 

Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. 

God I feel sick.. 

And a memory. Excedrin. I came to the bathroom for Excedrin. 

I open the medicine cabinet and look around for a moment before I find the bottle.

I read over it:
"Do not take more than 2 caplets in a 24 hour period."

Yeah, okay. 

I take four out of the bottle and go downstairs, getting a glass of water and taking the four caplets. 

It's still pretty early. Five in the morning. 

The phone starts ringing. Everything seems so much louder when it's quiet. 

What the fuck do people want from me anyway?


Damn it. 

I pick up the phone, holding it to my ear. I don't say anything at all. 

After several seconds, Cassidy says, "Hello?"

"It's five in the morning." I sigh, going over to the living room window and looking outside. It's still rather dark. 

"Don't pretend you were asleep." Cassidy laughs slightly. I can hear some yelling in the background. "Hey, Evan, it's twenty degrees outside, I don't want to walk to school today."

"Take the bus?" I suggest, moving away from the window and back to the kitchen. 

"Hell no." Cassidy pauses to think, and sighs dramatically. What are they planning this time? "Evannnnn, you don't want Susie to freeze to death, do you?" 

Guilt tripping. 

"You know she gets cold really easily, and going on the bus stresses her out a lot." Cassidy goes silent. There is still some yelling in the background. 

"I know." I finish the glass of water and set the cup in the sink. "And that was manipulative."

Cassidy laughs slightly, the yelling quiets down. "I won't deny that, but I'm not lying, either."

I really do not want to have to pick them up. Driving Elizabeth with me stresses me out enough, even if it's mostly just because it's her, it's way to early for any of this. It's not like they are out of options, no doubt, Jeremy would drive Cassidy if they asked, so it's really just convenience. I think Susie is scared of Jeremy. I need this headache to go away more than anything, and it's not like they're out of options, so I should probably just tell Cassidy to figure something else out- 

"Whatever. Fine." I take a deep breath. "I'll be there by 6:45. If you're late I'm leaving immediately."

I can hear Cassidy clap their hands, "Thank you, thank you. We'll be ready by then." 

"It's fine." I can't deny the fact that I'm a bit annoyed, but Cassidy is my best friend, I'll get over it. 

"Hey, I have to go." The yelling from Cassidy's side of the phone gets louder again. "Take care of yourself, okay?"

What exactly is happening over there? 

I sigh, "Uh-huh." 

"Thank you again, I'll see you soon." Cassidy hangs up the phone before I can reply. 

I set the house phone back on it's stand, glancing out the back door. 

Twenty degrees. The flowers are all dying. I like colder weather, but not exactly like this. 

I guess it's just that time of year. 

Everything is going to die off or rest until everything starts to feel bearable again, and then try again in the spring. 

I guess I'll have to find a different hobby, then. 

Seems like it's going to be another long day, huh? 

Gregory's POV- 

I'll be honest, I usually go to bed pretty early. 

Not that I feel terrible. 

Actually, I feel fine. A little dizzy, but fine. 

And I think that was fun. Our at least tolerable. I got to know Evan a little better! Not that I really want to. He's kind of boring, and kind of rude, and stuff. Definitely that.

I'm running late. It's 7:02. 

"Never again." Vanessa says for the fiftieth time, I think. Counting isn't my strong point. "Next time you don't wake up I'm pummeling you." 

I nod slowly, looking out the car window, "I'm really confused,"   

"About?" Vanessa seems pissed off. 

"You said you were at a loss for words," I look back at at Vanessa, "but you're talking an awful lot." 

I can feel Vanessa getting more pissed off, slamming the breaks at a stop sign. "Gregory.. I don't- You're.. Ugh." Vanessa takes a deep breath. "You're a lot sometimes. Just don't be late again." 

"Sure," I nod. I don't mean it at all. I'm probably going to be late again. I told Evan I would call him again to do something at some point, and I'm not going back on that. 

"Sure?" Vanessa glares at me before turning her attention back to the road as she starts driving again. 

"Yes sir," I nod. 

Vanessa laughs, "Okay. Just shut up." 

"I'll think about it." I lean back slightly in the chair. Were almost at the school. Damn. Maybe someone will sing today, and yesterday was just the introduction part before singing becomes a big part of the story?

"You really piss me off sometimes." Vanessa turns down the schools road, "But I can't exactly stay angry for long." 

"I'm just that amazing," I say sarcastically as Vanessa gets into the school parking lot. 

"Yeah, yeah, don't grow an ego. Get out." Vanessa waves her hand dismissively, parking poorly into the parking space. 

I raise my hands up defensively and  quickly get out of the car. 

I don't think I hate school yet, but I don't like it either. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03 ⏰

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