"An Idea.."(6)

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Gregory's POV- 

"Look around," Cindy says, gesturing all around the cafeteria. "Who seems innocent and non-biased enough that I can pay to help me out." 

 "Uhhh," I look around, trying to find someone. 

"Realistically, I'm sure anyone in this room wants money and doesn't care who you are. Just stay away from the people who'll start rumors about it." Evan states, staring at the table like he's in a trance. 

"Who does and doesn't start rumors?" I ask. 

There's likely well over 400 kids in this cafeteria. How are you even supposed to know them all well enough to know the answer to that? 

"Well," Cindy starts pointing to tables and listing off names and things about those people as if she knows them all personally. 

Cassidy puts a hand on Cindy's shoulder, causing Cindy to stop talking, "There's no damn way he's going to remember all of that." 

"Okay," Cindy nods, "Then how is he going to know." 

"From my experience, some of the most reliable kids are the ones who eat lunch in teachers classrooms--Not the ones who are forced to be there, but the ones who prefer it there." Cassidy takes a deep breath and continues, "And I met a lot of you guys there, so you know the environment? Charlie, Evan, Jeremy? Any ideas?" 

Evan shakes his head. 

Charlie nods, "There were some nice people," 

"Nahh, I hated them all." Jeremy disagrees with Charlie. 

Cindy ignores Jeremy, "Who? I need to hurry up that meeting is at the end of next period." 

Charlie lists of a few names and appearances, but I wasn't really paying attention. 

I end up leaving with Cindy to find the people and ask around. We manage to get two out of eight people to agree. 

"Thanks for the help," Cindy says on the way back to the cafeteria. 

"No problem. I want to know how that goes." 

"Sure," Cindy nods and smiles slightly, "You'll already know by if I suspended or not, but I can give you the details." 

We walk back into the cafeteria. I hope that goes well. 

Evan's POV- 

"-So I got called to the office, for that, but I wasn't even there when it happened. They were wasting my time. So, anyway, Stephanie is suspended now, but it's whatever. And other than that, today was mostly uneventful." Elizabeth says with a sigh. 

I nod in agreement. 

"Okay," Michael seems a little uninterested, and a little confused. "..How did you sleep Evan?" 

I shrug. "Alright. Better then normal." 

"That's good. I wonder if that nightguard shift at Chuck E Cheeses during the summer messed up your sleep schedule," Michael stabs at a noddle with his fork. 

"Okay, yes, that job sucked," I sigh, "But you already know I've had trouble with this basically my whole life." 

"I know.. I'm just having a bit of trouble understanding." Michael says. 

"What's there to understand?" Elizabeth asks, "He can't sleep and probably needs medical help. That's really it."

"I don't need medical help," 

"I'm getting some mixed signals here." Michael seems confused. 

Elizabeth shrugs, "I'm always right." 

I shake my head with a sigh. 

Michael glances up at a clock hanging on the wall, "Oh shit. Sorry I came home so late guys. I need to get to bed, though," 

Michael stands up and places his bowl in the fridge. 

"It's alright," Elizabeth smiles, "Goodnight," 

"Goodnight," He hugs her. 

"If you think you would like to speak with a doctor, just let me know," He hugs me as well before rushing to his room. 

"He's been out a lot lately," Elizabeth sighs. 

I nod, "He smells like whiskey." 

"Yeah, he does." Elizabeth agrees. 

"You do too," I add. 

Elizabeth freezes in her place slightly, taking a deep breath, "Well.. I umm.." 

"I'm not judging you. Just be careful." 

"Right.." Elizabeth nods slowly. 

I sigh, "And don't get caught." 

"I won't," Elizabeth laughs slightly. 

I look at the clock. It's around 12:30am. 

"I should get to bed." Elizabeth waves me bye and heads towards the stairs. 

I sit there for a moment. I know, after the accident, Michael only ended up not going to jail because of drug abuse, and was instead sent to rehab. After I had returned home, he was there for half a year. 

And just a year after that William killed children and got sent to jail. 

I get startled out of my thoughts by the sound of the phone ringing. 

I look back at the clock. 1:00am. 

I get up and wait for it to continue ringing. 

"No caller ID", the phone says. 

I sigh and pick it up, "Hello?" 

"Hello! I think I have an idea," The caller, Gregory, says. 

"Okay? What is it?" I ask, glancing towards the door towards the door to Michael's room and softening my voice, "Couldn't it wait until tomorrow?"

"No. What's your address?" Gregory asks. 

"Tell me what it is first." 

"No. It's a surprise. I'm going to come pick you up. What's your address?" Gregory repeats. 

I sigh, glancing at the clock again, and then telling him my address. 

"Alright. I'll be there in thirty-ish minutes." Gregory pauses for a moment, "I don't know however long it takes to walk." 

"Okay then?" I walk towards the window, looking outside, "And I can't know beforehand?" 

"Nope! Bye, I'll see you soon!" He hangs up the phone. 

"Bye," I mutter, placing the phone back in it's slot. 

Why did I agree to that? 

I place a hand on the window. It's freezing. 

This is probably going to be a long night. 

Dead Of Night (Gregvan / Gregory x Evan)Where stories live. Discover now