"They Still Can.."(3)

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Gregory's POV- 

I spent the better half of my whole free period looking for AP Psychology. 

And still couldn't find it. 

Not on any doors or signs. In fact, most doors and signs either just had numbers or teacher names or whatever. 

Not very helpful. 

The bell rang dismissing class, so I finally decided to give up. 

I stood at the end of the hallway, waiting to see if I could find him. 

It took a moment of searching through the crowd to spot him, moving his way quickly through the crowd. Easily slipping past other people without them noticing. 

I moved away from the wall and into the crowd. It becomes difficult to see him once I do that, but eventually I get close to him. 

"Hey, wait," I gently grab his sleeve so I don't loose track of him. "Slow down."

"For what?" He asks, not changing his pace at all, and making me struggle to get behind him so I don't run into people 

"What class do you have next?" I stay as close to him as I can, to make sure he can hear me over the shouting in the hallway. 

"Civics." Evan replies quickly, making a sharp turn down a hall. 

I stumble a bit, but still follow after him, "Me too. Where is that?"

"Where do you think I'm going, dumbass?" Evan asks, slowing down slightly, since this hall isn't nearly as crowded. 

"Well, I don't know. I've never been here before." I sigh, moving beside him, still holding onto his sleeve. 

A tall girl I don't recognize runs over to us, "Evan!" 

"Hi Elizabeth," Evan says blankly, like it's a rehearsed line he does not really care to say. 

Elizabeth had long ginger hair, bright green eyes, and wore a long jean skirt with a pink off-the-shoulder crop top and a pair of tall black heels. 

It might be the heels, but she's taller than me. 

She moves to the other side of Evan, the one I'm not on, and rests her arm on his shoulder slouching over on him slightly. She half-waves at me with her other hand, "Hello." 

"Hi," I reply, waving back slightly. 

Evan sighs, shrugging us both off of his shoulders. 

"Aww, c'mon!" Elizabeth frowns, "I was comfy."

Evan ignores her and goes into a classroom. 

I'm assuming its civics. I don't even know what that is. 

Elizabeth goes into the room as well and sits to Evan's right at a table. 

I sit at his left. 

"Anyway, I'm Elizabeth," She introduces, even though Evan said her name already. 

"I'm Gregory," I reply, looking around the room, "What is this class?" 

Evan puts his head down on the desk with a loud thud. There's no way that didn't hurt.  

"Civics," Elizabeth replies, "It's, like, history? I don't know."

"Hmm," I hum in response. Lightly tapping the back of Evan's head. 

I don't get a proper feel of it, but his hair is soft. 

"What?" He asks, sitting back up. 

"Are you okay?" I ask, trying to see if there is any marks from hitting the table, but there doesn't seem to be. 

"Fan-fucking-tastic." Evan replies, looking at the board and reading through what's written on it. 

I look at it, too, but it takes me way longer to just get through a sentence than it takes him to read the entire board. 

The teacher walks in as the bell rings.  

She begins talking but I'm not really listening. Last class of the day. Damn. Feels like it's already been a year. 

I glance over at Evan and Elizabeth. 

Evan seems mostly focused, his different colored eyes paying close attention to the board and writing short notes about what the teacher is saying in a notebook. He also looks like he is about to fall asleep, closing his eyes ever now and then for several seconds before blinking himself back awake. 

Elizabeth is drawing on a neon pink sticky note, making poorly done sketches of things like ocean waves, avocados, geese, and smiley faces. 

Cindy was having trouble with one of Elizabeth's friends. And if that's the case, and the groups have rivalry, I wonder why Evan is hanging out with her. 

Problem for another day, I guess. 


Evan's POV-

 "I know it's a while away," Elizabeth takes a deep breath, looking out of the passenger seat window, "But are we going to go to mom's for thanksgiving break this year? Or maybe winter break?"

I keep my focus on the road, "I don't know, Elizabeth."

"Okay.. I'm a bit worried, but I would like to go. Maybe we could visit William, in jail, too.." 

"Try asking Michael," I suggest, turning into our neighborhood, "I don't know."

Elizabeth nods. 

It's silent until we get to the house and park the car, Elizabeth opens the car door, "I know we all went through a lot then, but they can't hurt you anymore, okay?"

She smiles, grabbing her bag and getting out of the car, running towards the house. 

That isn't entirely true. They still can. Not everything is physical. 

I run fingers over the jagged circular scars embedded into my palms. As healed as they are, it still hurts. 

I think about the scar on my forehead. 

I sigh and get out of the car, grabbing my bag from the backseat and walk towards the house. 

Dead Of Night (Gregvan / Gregory x Evan)Where stories live. Discover now