"Welcome, I guess.."(2)

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Evan's POV- 

That bitch from English class is following me. And has been, for the past four hours. And we didn't even have the same second period, so I know he is. 

And it's only 11:36. It's too early to be doing English and Anthropology, and it's definitely too early to have someone following me. 

I don't even really care. I just think if he was going to kill me he's taking way too long, and if he is trying to follow me home to rob me, I don't think there's really much of value at the house. Maybe, like, some old wine glasses or fine China that I haven't once seen brought out for any event. Likely because there haven't been any events. Nearly ever. 

I walk into the cafeteria, and over to the table that I always sit at. After the first few weeks of school, the tables people sit at seem to just stay that way until the next year, when new students come in and things change just slightly. 

"What's happening?" I ask Susie, after I sit down. There is always something new happening by lunch time, from someone. 

"Cindy got in a fight with one of Elizabeth's friends," Susie sighs, glancing over at the table Elizabeth and her friends sit at.

"I shouldn't get suspended for that. She hit me first." Cindy scoffs, but remains very calm. 

"You shouldn't!" Cassidy agrees, seemingly way more pissed about this whole situation than Cindy is, "And you're hella weak anyway. If that bitch wants a real reason to cry I can give her one." 

Charlie pats Cassidy's back to calm them down, "No you can't, Cassidy, you're on strikes for expulsion." 

"So? No privileged bitch has the right to hurt ANY--" Cassidy looks around, gesturing to each of us individually, "of you. Over anything." 

Cassidy is near expulsion for a lot of things. The main one being fighting with other students, of course, but also things like name calling to staff and students, bringing a weapons to school, sending death-threats to teachers and students, starting an aggressive rebellion about getting normal tampons for women and not the carboard ones, as well as writing an essay about how the only bad thing about cannibalism is the fact humans are so disgusting we can't eat ourselves without getting sick. 

"I don't need your protection. I've got a baseball bat." Gabriel says confidently. 

"The only thing your hitting with that baseball bat is the side of your own face after you miss." Fritz snides, gently elbowing Gabriel in the shoulder. 

Jeremy shakes his head, "Nah, that bats missing and going up his ass."

Cindy covers her mouth, trying not to laugh. 

"C'mon guys, I'm not that bad!" Gabriel sighs. 

Cassidy seems distracted. 

"Stop staring and sit down if you're going to." Cassidy says, looking between me and Gregory, the kid who was following me from earlier. "Never once have I seen Evan bring anybody with him." 

Gregory sits down beside me. 

"Because I didn't. He's following me." I glare at him. 

"Is he bothering you? I have pepper spray." Cassidy pulls a yellow bottle of pepper spray out of their lunch box. 

Susie reaches across the table and covers the pepper spray bottle with her hand, "Don't let the cameras see it! You aren't supposed to be carrying that!!" 

Gregory puts his hands up in defense, "I haven't done anything." 

"You could have chosen anyone to follow, and you chose him?" Jeremy shakes his head in disappointment. 

Dead Of Night (Gregvan / Gregory x Evan)Where stories live. Discover now