"They Should.."(4)

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Gregory's POV- 

"How was school?" Vanessa asks as I get into the car. 

I shake my head, "I don't think you deserve to know."

"I will drop you off on the side of the road and never come back." Vanessa threats. 

"I know where you live." 

Vanessa gasps melodramatically, "Well played." 

I nod, glancing out the window. I see Evan and Elizabeth get into a car a few parking spots away. Elizabeth talking and smiling slightly as she gets into the passenger seat. Evan's back is towards me, so I can't see his face. 


"Seriously, though," Vanessa pulls out of the parking spot, looking over her shoulder for people behind her. "I'm curious, how was your day?"

"Not really. You?" I ask. 

Vanessa glares at me, "What?" 

"Yours?" I repeat the last part. 

"It was fine," Vanessa shrugs, turning back around after successfully pulling out of the parking slot, most likely without hitting any kids. 

"No one burst into song," I shake my head, disappointed. 

I was really looking forward to that. What a rip-off. 

"I told you no one would." Vanessa smiles slightly. "That's not how real life is."

"But why?" I ask. 

"Umm.. I don't think that is something I've ever asked myself. I have no idea." Vanessa glances at me for a moment, "But everything was fine other than that? No destruction done?" 

I nod, "Probably not." 

"Probably. Okay. That's better than nothing." Vanessa seems satisfied. 

"For now." I smile slightly. Not that I have any plans or anything. I'm just a little bored. I still have to find alibis for Cindy. I'll have to do that tomorrow, since I didn't have time today. 

And then Elizabeth getting into Evans car. Which is weird. They don't seem to even get along very well, and they don't look alike, either. 

"Just know if something happens I won't be bailing you out of jail." Vanessa sighs. 

"What makes you think I'm going to jail?"

"You should be in jail," Vanessa states, "Several cases of destruction of property, evading authorities, theft, operating a machine without a license, arson-" 

I cut her off, "Okay, okay. I get it." 

"Mhmm. And you're out of the house for school now and you can't do that. It's illegal." Vanessa takes a deep breath. 

"You aren't one to talk." I mutter. 

"I know.." Vanessa nods slowly, "That was my job at the time. You didn't really have to do that shit. You could of hid under the couch in Freddy's room until it was a good time to leave or something." 

"But it ended well," I reply. 

"Did it?" She sighs, "I could have almost no responsibilities. Right now, after getting off from work, I could go right home and take a nap or have a drink, but I am picking you up from school instead." 

"Aww, because you care about me, right?" I ask mockingly. 

"You'd be dead by now if I didn't," Vanessa replies blankly. 

"Thanks," I say sarcastically. 

Vanessa smiles, "You're welcome!" She stops at a stop light, and looks around, waiting for her turn, "What do you want for dinner?" 

I shrug, "No idea. If you don't know, I definitely don't." 

"Well, that's not helpful." Vanessa shakes her head. "Did you meet anyone?"

I nod, "A few people," 

"How descriptive," Vanessa says in fake amazement. 

"I mean, I didn't really get to know them. I'll tell you later." 

"If you say so." Vanessa seems unsure. 

Susie's POV- 

I can see the house seemingly growing in size as we get closer to it. 

"Ah, there it is," Cassidy gently elbows me, "You always think I'm going to get lost,"

"You almost always do," I reply quietly.

Cassidy laughs, "Yeah, just a little bit. Uhh.." They look around for a moment, gathering their thoughts, "If I'm ever gone, I'm sure Charlie would be more than happy to walk you." 

"Cassidy, don't say that.." I mumble. 

Cassidy keeps their eyes on the ground, "Your parents don't really like me. I mean, they get money for housing me and all, but not that much." 


"I don't want to scare you, but most foster parents don't keep the children for much longer than a year and a half. I've been here for a little over a year now. At a certain point I may have to go to a different family, and it could be far away from here.." Cassidy takes a deep breath. 

"Don't say that," I repeat, a little louder. 

"I'm sorry," Cassidy smiles slightly, shaking their head, "I am still technically trying to find a family. But you are my sister. Biologically or not. You are the closest thing to family I've ever had." 

I smile slightly. 

"I'm going to try not to let them happen." Cassidy laughs, it's a little bitter sounding, "I'm close to eighteen and I have a drivers license, right? I can always come back." 

I nod. 

"Then there's nothing to worry," Cassidy sighs. 

"So.. If my parents don't adopt you, you'll stay around then? You promise?.." I ask. 

"Of course," Cassidy stops walking and hugs me. "Of course, of course, of course. I wouldn't leave you if I had the choice.. It's up to your parents." 

"They should," I hug them back. I can't bring myself to say that they will. Just that they should. "They care about you." 

"I'm not a good kid Susie. I don't think I'm worth the trouble." Cassidy slowly lets go, taking a step back and walking again. 

I rush after them, following their yellow converse across the road and onto the driveway, "I think you are." 

Cassidy laughs, "If your the one who is going to have to be responsible for it, in this case, that's your parents, I'm not." 

"I don't want you to go.." I sigh. 

"I don't either," Cassidy takes a set of keys from their bookbag, "But you never know." 

They smile reassuringly at me and open the door, heading inside. 

You never know. 

I can feel anxiety crawling through my skin and trying to catch my heart, which is beating out of my ribcage, and the sound of it pounding is coursing through my head. 

You never know. 

Dead Of Night (Gregvan / Gregory x Evan)Where stories live. Discover now