"Dead of Night.."(7)

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Gregory's POV- 

It takes about 40 minutes to walk to Evan's house. 

Apparently it's halfway across town, in one of the richer neighborhoods. 

But anyway! I found it, and it's close to the destination, so it's fine. 

I knock on the door and wait for a moment. I can't hear anything inside, and it's silent until the door opens. 

"Heyyy!" I wave to Evan, "Good morning," 

"It's the dead of night, but okay." He steps outside, locking and shutting the door behind him. 

I step off the porch, motioning for him to follow me. "C'mon," 

"Where are we going?" He asks, following after me hesitantly. 

"A place," I reply. 

He nods slowly, "Right.. I figured that much," 

"You'll see." I smile, "Don't worry about it," 

He sighs, his breath showing in the cold, "At least it's pretty tonight." 

"It is," I agree, "And this is different, right? How often do you go outside at two in the morning?" 

Evan shrugs, "I can't say I've ever wanted to go outside at two in the morning," 

"Oh. Well, you do now." 

Evan laughs slightly, "Do I?" 

"Yeah," I nod, confidently. 

"We'll see," Evan says, unsure. 

It's dark outside, and the faint glow from the moon makes him look almost transparent. 

"I'm more so surprised you answered the phone," I exit the neighborhood, cutting across the road. 

Evan looks both ways before following after me, "Why's that?" 

"Because it was one in the morning?" I continue walking. 

"I'm usually awake at one in the morning," Evan shrugs. 

"So you would be down to do this again?" I ask, glancing back at him. 

"I don't even know what were doing," 

I don't answer him for a few minutes, "Were getting close," 

Evan nods, looking around. 

 "Any guesses?" I ask. 

"Considering the fact that this town isn't very big, and there are a lot of places here, no." 

"Great," I smile. 

Evan doesn't seem quite as enthused. 

I start moving faster once we get closer. 

He has no issue following closely after me. 

"Ta-da!" I cheer, walking through the gates and slowing down. 

Evan slows down as well, "The park?" 

"Listen, not many places are open this late," I sigh. 

"And it couldn't have waited until tomorrow?" Evan glances around. 

"No," I shake my head, going towards the swings. 

"Alright," Evan doesn't seem convinced. 

I sit down on one of the swings, kicking at the dirt to get a bit of elevation. 

Evan sits down on the one beside me. 

"You're an introvert, right?" I ask. 

Evan nods. 

"Then look at it this way, no one is really here, and that means little people interaction." 

"Fair," Evan takes a deep breath, "but it's also cold." 

"No it's not," I disagree. 

"I can see my breath," Evan takes a deep breath, watching the his breath dissipate, "It's fucking cold." 

"Okay, well.." I pause to think of a reason why it isn't, but I can't seem to think of one. 

"Well?" Evan asks. 

"Only a little bit," I kick up on the swing, hovering slightly, the chains creaking with the movement. "And it isn't that bad."

"Mhm," Evan hums sarcastically.

"And you said it was pretty out," I add. 

"It is," Evan nods, "Pretty and cold. Most everything has positives and negatives." 

"That doesn't matter. You're doing something different," I gesture around the area with one hand. 

"I am," Evan agrees with a sigh. 

"And it's nice?" 

"Yeah," Evan nods. 

"So mission accomplished?" I ask. 

"Sure?" Evan shrugs. 

"Nice," I glance down at my watch. It's almost three in the morning. 

Evan shivers slightly. 

"I'll think of something else in a few days," I slow myself to a stop, "But it's getting late, and we have school tomorrow," 

"Alright," Evan stands up, glancing at the sky. 

I stand up as well, "But expect another call." 

"I'll add you to the contact list,"

"Great!" I start walking back towards the gate, and back towards his house. 

"Thanks," Evan walks beside me instead of behind me now that he knows where he's going. 

"Of course."

"I was half expecting you to murder me," Evan sighs, "Not yet I guess."

"Not yet?" I ask, confused. 

He laughs slightly, "Do you know how weird it is to get a call from someone at one in the morning that you just met a few days ago, and is trying to take you somewhere without any information on the location?" 


"Well, it is." 

I shrug. Seems pretty normal to me. Then again, I've talked to very few people. 

"And be careful out at night," Evan sighs. 

"Sure," I agree, though I don't really know what he means. 

"I can go from here," Evan says as we approach his neighborhood.

I nod, "okay!"

"Thanks again," Evan cautiously crosses the road. 

He seems overly paranoid sometimes. 

I wave him bye, even though he isn't facing me. 

Dead Of Night (Gregvan / Gregory x Evan)Where stories live. Discover now