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Dylan wandered through the school, avoiding going to class. It was only science. She didn't really care for it. She was worried for Isaac. He was going to be arrested for a murder he didn't commit. And even if he did commit it, he deserved it. And he was a werewolf, too. That night was a full moon. He wouldn't make it through the night. But what could Dylan do? She was only a new werewolf, too. There was no way she'd make it through the night, either.

    She walked past the principal's office hearing the Sheriff's voice speaking to Jackson and Tina Whittemore. "You two live across the street from the Lahey's. Do you ever hear anything suspicious?" he asked the twins.

    "Suspicious as in?..." Tina drifted.

    "Um, pft, loud noises, weird acting..." Stilinski listed.

    "Oh, well, then, like, all the time," Tina said. Sheriff sighed. Then Dylan heard footsteps scuffling toward her. Scott and Stiles were heading toward the principal's office. But stopped when they saw Dylan.

    "What are you doing here?" Stiles whispered.

    Dylan put her finger over her mouth, gesturing for them to be quiet, then pointed at the office. The boys sat beside her and listened. "Wait, so you're telling me that you knew Isaac's father was hitting him?" Stilinski asked the twins.

    "Hitting him?" Jackson questioned. "He was kicking the living crap out of him."

    "Did you ever say anything to anyone? A teacher, parent, anyone?"

    "Nope," Jackson Answered. "Not my problem." Dylan rolled her eyes.

    "Yeah. No. Of course not." Sheriff Stilinski sighed. The door opened and the sheriff walked out. Stiles, being the person that he was, tried to hide his face using a magazine. Scott gave him an I'm over this look. Sheriff Stilinski looked between the three kids. "Scott." He nodded at him, "Dylan. Glad to see you found yourself some new friends."

    Dylan looked at Scott who looked at her. She shook her head. Sheriff Stilinski looked at his son, completely over his shenanigans then walked away with a deputy behind him. Dylan sunk into her seat. Scott was about to say something when the door opened once more and the new principal, Gerard Argent, Allison Argent's grandfather, exited.

    "Boys. Come on in." They looked at Dylan before entering Gerard's office. He looked at Dylan. "You should get back to class," he paused, "Miss Cohen." He smiled then entered his office. Dylan felt a little odd talking to him.

    Dylan stood and made her way to her locker. She put away her textbook when she heard Jackson and Lydia just a few lockers down. "We're done, Lydia," Jackson said before walking away. Beacon Hills High dream couple had finally come to fruition.

    Dylan slammed her locker shut and moved to stand in front of Jackson. "Whittemore. When am I getting my camera back?"


    He stepped to leave but Dylan stopped him. "If you're keeping it for longer, I'm gonna need more money."

    Jackson sighed in annoyance. He flung his backpack in front of him and pulled out a hundred dollar bill. He shoved it in Dylan's chest. "Now get out of my way." He pushed past her, slamming his shoulder against hers then walked away.

    "Prick." Dylan heard a car door shut. She turned and ran for the front doors. She pushed open the door and saw the Sheriff's car out the front with Isaac in the back. He saw her through the back window. Then the car engine started up and the car drove out of the parking lot.

    Dylan rubbed her forehead. As the Sheriff's car drove out of eye view, Derek's black Camaro pulled up. He winded down the passenger window, "Get in."

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