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The gymnasium roared with laughter as Scott Mccall fell off the rock climbing wall in gym class. Even Dylan found a bit of amusement in the boy getting kicked off the wall by his not-so-secret girlfriend and plummeting toward the mat.

    Coach Finstock made his way to crouch by Scott. "Mccall, I don't know why, but your pain gives me a special kind of joy," he said while laughing. Then he stood, "all right. Next two." He pointed directly at Dylan and Elijah. "Hawke siblings, you two."

    Dylan slapped her forehead. "It's Cohen," she mumbled before making her way toward the mat. She strapped the harness around herself and began climbing the wall, Elijah beside her.

    Dylan still hadn't spoken to Derek nor Isaac. She had found out, however, that Isaac was released from the holding cell. He was still a person-of-interest. But she had overheard Stiles and Scott say that Stiles, with help from Derek the night of the full moon, had freed Isaac from the Sheriff's station. So, she was glad he was safe, however, she had yet to see him at school.

    Dylan made her way to the top of the rock climbing wall, before Elijah, then climbed back down. After a few minutes, Elijah also hopped down.

    "All right," Coach Finstock said. "Another two. Stilinski. Erica." He pointed at Stiles and Erica. "Let's go." Coach Finstock clapped his hands. Erica had walked past Dylan to grab her harness, a hint of worry in her eyes. Her blonde hair was a mess and she was wearing gym sweats.

    Dylan never really spoke to Erica. Didn't mean she didn't see her past through the halls. She was the type of kid that when people saw her in the halls, they would walk all over her. Push and shove her, knock her around, tease her. But it was high school. Everyone was bound to get bullied at some stage. For Dylan, it was everyday.

    Stiles was climbing the wall easily, which was a shocker considering his poor sportsmanship with lacrosse. But Erica was having a more difficult time. Erica wasn't even half way up before Stiles was climbing back down. While Stiles celebrated the fact that he climbed a super easy rock climbing wall, Erica had stopped climbing. She was whimpering, Dylan could smell her anxiety. Everyone stepped closer to the wall.

    "Erica?" Coach Finstock called out. "Is it vertigo?"

    "Vertigo's a dysfunction of the vestibular system of the inner ear," clarified Lydia. "She's just freaking out."

    "Erica," Coach Finstock repeated. Dylan could hear Erica's heart pick up a beat.

    "I'm fine," she called back. But she clearly wasn't. Her voice wavered. Dylan could tell how tense she was.

    "Coach, maybe it's not safe," Allison said. "You know she's epileptic." She is? Dylan thought. Huh.

    "Why doesn't anybody tell me this stuff?" Coach exclaimed. "Erica, y-- you're fine. Just kick off from the wall. There's a mat to catch you." Dylan watched as Erica slowly ungripped the wall and manoeuvred her way down until her feet touched the fall, her heart beating super fast.

    "See? You're fine," Coach Finstock said. "You're on the ground. You're all right. Shake it off. You're fine. You're good." Coach's voice softened, as if he was only speaking to himself, reassuring himself rather than the freaking-out girl.

    Erica turned around to be faced with the faces of her cohort. She shakingly undid her harness and began heading toward the doors. Snickers and side comments erupted from the students as Erica passed them, tears in her eyes.

    "Girl should've stayed home," Elijah commented, arms folded with a slight snicker. Dylan slapped his shoulder. "Hey!" She glared at him. Dylan felt a sudden pain for the girl as she passed her, lip quivering. She left the gymnasium.

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