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She spent the next several hours until sunset to think about the choice she had. Leaving would mean leaving behind Benjamin, Lucinda, Kayla, Austin, Elijah and even Charlie - even though he still hated her. Leaving would mean leaving behind Derek, too. Who admitted he wanted her to stay. Leaving would also mean leaving behind the troubles of her past; the murder of the kid, the death of her mother, the life of her father, her curse.

    Staying would mean she could stay with her family, stay with her Alpha. Staying would mean she would have to continue to live with her troubled past. Live in the town where she killed an innocent kid who was protecting himself, was abused and abandoned by her father. Where all of her anger lies. Staying would also mean leaving behind Boyd and Erica. Possibly Isaac if he decided to go.

    What if she could ensure Erica and Boyd found a safe place? If she made sure they found a pack that would keep them safe, it would put her at ease. She could always come back, right? Visit her family. She wouldn't leave for good. Maybe a few months away, until just maybe junior year started, she could spend some time away and then come back, fresh and clear. It would be good for her. Yeah. It could be good.

    So, by sunset, she found herself heading toward Beacon Hills Preserve. She spotted only Erica and Boyd by the entrance, they were tense. "Hey," she said and they turned to her.

    "You came!" Erica exclaimed as she pulled her in for a hug.

    "I'm here." She hugged her back. "Where's Isaac?" she asked as she pulled back.

    "He's not coming," Boyd informed her.

    "What? Why not?"

    Erica shrugged. "We don't know. But we have to get going. Right now." She nodded. Erica grabbed her hand and the three of them headed into the woods. They started with a slow walk, listening out for the howling werewolves. But they came up short.

    "Are you sure there's another pack here?" Dylan asked either of her friends.

    "We heard howling," Boyd said. "So, we hope." Dylan trusted them.

    They walked through the woods for another fifteen minutes. Still, not hearing any howls. No werewolves. Barely any sound besides the natural sounds of nature; wind and crunching leaves under their feet.

    Then, Dylan heard something. She stopped in her tracks, her hand pulling from Erica's. The two stopped to look at their friends as she listened for something. "What is it?" Erica whispered. Her super hearing sense picked up something. It wasn't a howl. It was more like an... engine? Then it hit her.

    "Hide!" She didn't wait for a response. She grabbed both Erica and Boyd's hand and ran them to a thick tree, squishing between each other to hide.

    Two sets of motor vehicles came hurtling toward their location. They lifted their visors; Allison and Chris? They were after them. They played a tap of howling wolves then skirted off in a different direction. She tightened her grip on Erica and Boyd's hands. Fear seeping its way through her bones; fear they weren't going to make it out alive.

    Once the vehicles were out of sight, she let out a pent up breath of air and the three of them took off once more. Maybe there wasn't a pack after all. Maybe, the howls they heard were indeed the Argent's just trying to lure them into a trap. Dylan didn't have a good feeling about it. But she wasn't going to leave. If she was going to die, right here right now, then she was going to die with her best friends. The people who never left her side. Who would constantly stay by her side, no matter what.

    They continued their trek deeper into the woods. Dylan wasn't even sure if there was a werewolf pack to be looking for. But either way, she needed to get away. So she followed Erica and Boyd. With the constant glances behind her to make sure the Argent's and any of their acolytes that may be with them hadn't followed them.

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