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Erica and Dylan watched the lacrosse match, both clueless as to how the game was played, but watched for their friend, Boyd, who seemed to enjoy himself. It made Dylan happy to see such confidence in the young boy. She'd see him sitting alone in the cafeteria, no one really gave him a second glance.

    Derek changed everything for Dylan, Boyd, Isaac and Erica. Erica who was picked on for her epilepsy. Boyd who spent his days alone. Isaac who people only ignored. And Dylan who was bullied and never really had anyone. Despite the negative reviews people had about Derek, he wasn't all that bad. Even if he only admitted to using them for power, it didn't change the fact that he made them believe in themselves more.

    Erica and Dylan received a message from Derek asking to bring Stiles to him. They looked at each other before climbing down from the bleachers and heading into the school. They entered through the main door, searching down the halls but drawing a blank. Then Dylan heard some racket, like drawers being slammed shut, folders being riffled through. She looked at Erica and gestured for her to follow her. They made their way to Gerard's office where they found Stiles searching for something. When he looked up and saw the two girls by the door, he jumped.

    "Hey, Stiles," Erica said, Dylan giving him a small wave. Her face turned hard as she walked over to him and pinched at his lacrosse jacket, dragging him out of Gerard's office and to the pool within the school where Derek texted to meet him.

    Derek saw the three walk in, making himself visible while, for some reason, holding a basketball. Dylan released her grip on Stiles and the two girls made their way to stand beside their alpha. Stiles looking royally pissed off to be dragged out there. "Stiles," Derek said.


    "What did you see at the mechanic's garage?"

    "Uh, several alarming EPA violations that I'm seriously considering reporting," Stiles said, avoiding the real answer Derek wanted, which only angered him more. Dylan scoffed, arms folded. Last night, Stiles was attacked by the creature that killed Isaac's dad. Now Derek was interrogating him to find out what it was and who it was.

    Derek smiled weirdly, looking down at the basketball in his hands. Then Derek dug his claws into the basketball, drawing the air out of it. "Holy god." Stiles watched as all the air was released from said basketball and dropped it on the floor.

    "Let's try this again, shall we?"

    Stiles sighed, looking down and placing his hands on his hips. "All right, the thing was pretty slick looking," Stiles explained. "Um, skin was dark. Kind of patterned." His eyes were glossy as tears washed over. "Uh, I think I actually saw scales. Is that enough? Okay? 'Cause I have someone that I really need to talk to." Derek just looked at him, showing he wanted more information.

    Stiles grunted. "All right, fine. Um, eyes. Eyes are, um... yellow-ish and slitted. It has a lot of teeth." As Stiles continued, Dylan looked up above Stiles. She saw something. "Oh, and it had a tail, too. Are we good?" No one was listening to Stiles anymore. Both Erica and Derek looked up, too, and saw what Dylan was seeing. Dylan heard Erica's breathing hitch and felt a hand grip hers. It caused her to look away from the scaly creature and down at her hand. Erica's hand interlocked with hers.

    "What?" Stiles asked, noticing their profound facial expressions. "Have you seen it?" Still, no one answered, instead staring at the scaly creature overhead, the exact creature Stiles just described. "You guys have this look like you know exactly what I'm talking about." Still, when no one answered, Stiles followed their gaze. The creature above hissed at the three teens and grown man staring at it. Stiles jumped, moving to stand beside Derek.

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