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Dylan sat cross legged on her skateboard, Boyd standing above her, leaning against a pole with his arms folded. Erica was a few feet to the side, leaning against the entrance of the train cart and Isaac was standing on the other side of the room, standing beside Derek with his hands in his pocket. All eight of their lingering eyes were on Derek crouched down in front of what he would call his "full moon" chest. Inside were all the things they needed to handle the upcoming full moon.

    Erica and Boyd were more-so excited than Isaac and Dylan. It was their first full moon. But for Dylan and Isaac, it wasn't. However, Dylan was probably more scared than Isaac. His full moon experience consisted of spending a night in a measly holding cell at the sheriff's station. However, Dylan's ended with her waking up naked in the woods, not remembering how she got there. She still didn't remember.

    When Derek flipped open the chest, a spiral was printed on the top. Isaac furrowed his brows as he bent down to trace the print with his fingers. "What is that?"

    Before Derek could answer, Boyd spoke up. "It's a triskele." His answer received a glance from Derek, a confused yet surprised expression. "Spirals mean different things - past, present, future. Mother, father, child."

    "You know what it means to me?" Derek asked him.

    "Alpha, beta, omega?"

    A hint of surprise washed over Derek's face, as if he didn't believe anyone would understand or get any of it. "That's right." Boyd smiled to himself. Dylan clapped softly from her spot on the floor which received a grin from Boyd.

    "It's a spiral," Derek said, returning his attention back to Isaac who now had stood back up straight. Derek stood. "Reminds us that we can all rise to one or fall to another. Betas can become Alphas. But Alphas can fall to Betas or even Omegas."

    "Like Scott?" Isaac asked, causing Dylan to straighten in her seat. Each conversation between Isaac and Derek, no matter what, always ended with Isaac mentioning Scott.

    "Scott's with us," Derek assured.

    "Really?" Isaac looked around him as if to find something. "That's weird. I don't... I don't see him." He looked back at Derek and raised his eyebrows. Dylan snorted, receiving a glare from Derek which she then covered by clearing her throat then gestured for them to continue.

    "Scott's out looking for Jackson," Derek said. "Don't worry, he's not gonna have it easy tonight, either." Derek bent back down to the chest, grabbing out one of the chains. "None of you will." The chains clanged in his hands. "There's a price you pay for this kind of power. You get the ability to heal. But tonight, you're gonna want to kill anything in sight."

    "Good thing I had my period last week then," Erica commented with a satisfied grin.

    "Aw, lucky!" Dylan said, joining in on the sarcastic commentary. "I just got mine yesterday." Derek did not seem amused. He held up a rusty, metal circle with needles poking in, a long chain running down.

    "This ones for you." Erica's grin died and Derek's only grew wider. Dylan laughed softly. Derek looked at her with a suspicious grin. "Oh, I wouldn't laugh." Confused, her laughing slowly died down as she looked at him. "I got one for you, too."

    Dylan clicked her tongue. "Well, this will be fun." Dylan had told her parents that she was staying at Erica's house for the night to avoid them staying up and worrying about her as she endured hours of undeniable pain during the full moon.

    She knew the full moon was going to be tough, it was last time. But she wasn't alone this time. And maybe that meant she wouldn't wake up in the middle of Beacon Hills Preserve naked and with amnesia on the night before. She decided to ignore Victoria's rants about a "cursed werewolf" and all of her comments about Will. She didn't care for him anymore. And any comments on him were pushed deep down and completely ignored. She wasn't cursed. She was angry. And being a werewolf, emotions were heightened. The feeling of aggression was heightened. She wasn't cursed, no, she just had a lot of aggression. Maybe more than the average teen but oh well.

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