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Eiko arrived early at work that day. She would normally come time before her shift started, but an hour earlier was her new record. Her manager was first to ask about it, but Eiko gave a simple vague reply that he nodded along to.

Her only reason for even bothering to be there at that time was to talk to a certain someone. Eiko knew almost everyone's schedules. She knew that Kyubin's shift ended as soon as hers started and if she wanted to fit in a talk in that time span it would be short and useless.

So Eiko approached the building station with bated breath. Kyubin was setting the cup for the drink he was to make. He had yet to notice Eiko. Not until she stood beside him and set her phone on the counter. That was when he looked over at her.

"Eiko," He said first, in a gasp. He was stunned and his eyes were wide with guilt.

"Kyubin," Eiko stated back. She eyed the cup in his hands then traveled her gaze up to his face. "Kyubin. Let's talk."

He shuffled away and reached for the caramel. "Uh. Eiko, you know I'm on my shift, right? I can't talk. I don't have the time for it," Kyubin spoke cautiously, in a strangled voice. He rushed his drink, swirling the whipped cream messily.

Eiko's face wore offense. She grabbed the sticker before Kyubin could reach out and place it on. "Like heck you don't."

"Eiko. I need to do this. I don't have the time for this."

She scrunched her face in distaste. "Kyubin. We are going to talk, and you are going to tell me everything in the amount of time we have." Eiko took the drink from his hand and clicked the top on. "I'm going to hear everything I need to hear. And if it's not done by the time your shift is over then we're going to talk about it after mine."

Eiko peeled the sticker off and carefully set it on the cup. She gave him a glare before going up to the front counter. "Caramel frappuccino under Eunwi." She called the order aloud and rested the drink on the counter.

Eiko returned to Kyubin with her arms crossed. "I'll ask the questions. You answer them." She pointed a finger at his face. "Truthfully."

He sighed and pressed his hands on the counter to lean back. "Okay. Ask away."

Eiko could not hold her glare for long. Her tone lost its sharp edge and she dropped her arms to her sides. What she was to ask was an obvious question, she was aware of that. "Kyubin, are you a vampire?"

Kyubin hummed. He nodded his head and gave Eiko a cautious look. "Are you going to hate me for it?"

Eiko disagreed with a shake of her head. "No. I'm not." She carefully grabbed his wrist. "You did me a huge favor by saving me yesterday. So I want to thank you for that." She grabbed a cup and stepped beside him near the counter. "But as much as I would like to thank you further, I need you to tell me everything you know about Block A."

She looked right at Kyubin with a stern expression. Her eyes fiery. "Tell me everything. Everything little thing that you know. Okay? Let's start with the history. I want to know their past and the reasoning for staying only in Block A."

Kyubin cleared his throat and warily scanned the perimeter. Nobody was close enough to hear and understand their conversation, but still they had to keep things on a low notice.

"Wait. Before you say anything, answer this question."

Kyubin shoved his hands into his pockets. "Sure."

Eiko turned away from Kyubin and pressed her wrists onto the counter. "Is Sera a vampire too?"

Kyubin went silent for a moment. He looked off and switched his gaze to everyone but her. He pursed his lips into a slim line. Eiko picked up a while ago that he does it out of contemplation. "No." Kyubin sighed and dropped his head. "Not that I know of."

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