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They've been hanging out for a while now. Riki surprisingly didn't pull out any of his games despite having an entire shelf of them. They had all gathered around the tv on sofas to watch a drama and have been watching it for the past three long episodes but were wrapped into it nonetheless.

Eiko was in and out of concentrating on the drama. She always found something to distract her from directing her full attention to the show. It was just something that happened when there were so many things occurring around her without solutions.

The entire Cheonan situation brought her thoughts back to work. She knew Yunseo would be concerned if she suddenly worked from home after going to the building for only two days but it was the only option. And Eiko needed to tell someone else about what was going on.

She had originally thought that telling the people around her would help, but it turned out they were in the loop as well in some way, so it brought her back to it as well. She at least had to tell Yunseo, she was her closest friend after all.

"Riki, do you have a laptop or something?" Eiko suddenly inquired. Though it didn't distract anyone but Riki himself.

"I have one in my top drawer. Do you want me to get it for you?"

Eiko shook her head no even though his description wasn't the most specific because he had quite the dressers in his room. She left the living room quietly, leading herself back to Riki's room the way she remembered he did.

His room was comfortable and had furniture with color on it here and there though for the most part everything ran on the spectrum of white to black.

She stepped over to one of his dressers and looked through the top drawer. It was only clothes so she closed it back as soon as she opened it and moved to the other dresser closest to his bed.

The right top drawer was of more clothes. He already has a walk-in closet. Just how many clothes does one person need? She closed it and went to the left one. There were a couple of accessories, only some glasses and a few hats that Riki probably never wore. He didn't seem like a hat type of guy.

And there was a small deep rouge colored box tucked in the corner. Eiko wasn't going to bother it at first because it had nothing to do with her, but she was curious. And curiosity always kills the cat.

She took it in her hands, holding the box delicately as if its firmness would dissipate in her foreign hold. The case was structured with attention to detail so she could tell it was expensive though it lacked a brand name somewhere on it. She opened the box and laid inside, surrounded by black velvet was a thick-banded ring. The stone held being of a gorgeous blue hue.

The ring was undamaged or not worn down by how many times it has been worn. It was glittering, reflecting the fluorescent lights better than the lights themselves appeared. She didn't pull it out of its box but analyzed the jewelry further.

On the band was inscribed a name in cursive letters. Nishimura Riki. It said.

It was a beautiful ring, Eiko wondered why he had yet to wear it, at least in front of her. But she closed the box and put it back where it was before going to another dresser.

She pulled at the top left drawer. It was heavier than the other drawers with clothes in them so it drew her confusion in until she looked down at what was in the drawer. It was all glass, small vials arranged in rows and columns that were completely empty. They also seemed to be in pristine condition so she conjectured that they weren't used but it was still odd.

It's not an everyday thing that you would see vials outside of the hospital or any medical-field building. They must be made out of thick glass for the drawer to be weighty though all of the objects inside were considerably small. Still, it wasn't what she was looking for so she closed the drawer but inevitably couldn't fight off her sudden interest in what Riki had.

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