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"What do you think? I'm sure it was that old lady," Eiko voiced her chagrin, kicking at sticks as they walked through the forest again.

It was best just to go to Riki's house as he had decided, and for Eiko's comfort, he told her that if she'd like, she can invite the others. But Eiko was sure that he just wanted to see Jake again since they clicked so well last time.

"She wasn't old," he said.

"Today she is," Eiko remarked. As the recollection of what happened when she woke up occurred once again in her head she exhaled to release the growing frustration. "'I'll kill you', who does she even think she is?"

"If you're going to be irritated about it, why don't we change the topic," Riki had suggested.

"What do you suggest we talk about then? Enlighten me Mr.Riki."

It could be a side effect of her pent up emotions but this side of Eiko was quite humorous.

"You didn't answer Chaewon's question. The one where she asked you if I was handsome," he mentioned casually.

"That's because we were attacked."

She had a point. "Well yeah, but we aren't being attacked now."

"Woah. Don't jinx it," she chuckled as they had finally turned into the neighborhood. There wasn't a direct forest route to get to his house directly so they had to bite the bullet and step inside while being wary of what could happen.

It was as crowded as they expected which is actually more frightening than if it wasn't. And strangely, the vampires that had noticed them only looked and created a distance between the two.

Eiko surveyed the area as she was caught off guard by their behavior. "What's going on?"

Riki seemed more cautious about it though. Even if their actions insinuated that no danger would take place, what was now felt like a precursor for something that would happen later.

It was good that they weren't being attacked, but that fact was too out of place for an erratic area like this. Their actions are likely to adumbrate what could happen in the future and that's what makes it as perilous as it feels.

"Don't know. Let's just not focus on it for now."

Eiko kept assessing her surroundings but was sure to not make unintended eye contact with anybody.
Things are just continuing to get strange.

Cheonan. The barrier. This.

It seems like a devastating plot where everything was thrown in at once. To deceive one with the calm before the storm then things are coming left and right, and Eiko, hasn't got a clue on how to deal with it in a way that'll secure her life as a human.

It's been made known that the only way she could get out of this is by turning.

It's a battle between want and need. She needs to get out of here where her life is tiptoeing the line of alive and dead more than what's considered normal. But she doesn't want to turn.

Because turning will mean she will stay connected to this place for the rest of her life. That even though she doesn't have to live in this neighborhood, her life will encircle block a.

It's a false good way out. Where her exit is circled by the freedom from not being held down like how she is, but turning would mean that she has to return regardless.
Essentially leaving a maze to find the perimeter blocked off for her to remain in the maze for however long it lasts.

"Yeah, I think you are," Eiko answered.

"What?" He asked out of confusion but Eiko shook her head when he looked over at her.

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