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What the hell is going on?

Eiko looked around the room while the guy—dressed in prim and proper clothes fitting formally against his figure—inspected her outer appearance once more. It was largely spacious, it felt like they were in some historical palace that was hand crafted from the inside out. Paintings hung over walls. Sources of light covered in crystals hanging from the ceiling. It didn't feel like reality whatsoever.

It's been only an hour since she had woken up. Her mind was clear but she was still dazed and confused about what was going on and how they ended up in Cheonan.

She looked over at Riki but he shrugged when they met glances. She turned back to the guy who straightened his back.

He dropped her arm carefully and put his hands behind his back politely, displaying his orderly manner. "You're a new block a resident." He stated.

Eiko's fingers curled slightly. Retracting out of instinct at the reveal of information she had yet to share. "How do you know that?" She asked him, visibly skeptical.

"You're a human?"

Only her eyebrows moved, frowning deeper because of the question. It was confusing her, more so because she didn't know where the questions would lead.

She cautiously answered, "yes."

The perplexity on Eiko's face was reflected on his. She saw him step back and touch his chin with a thoughtful look on his face. She didn't have an exact idea of how he would react to the answer but this was the opposite of it.

"That doesn't make sense," he murmured.

Eiko and Riki saw each other again, almost like mere eye contact for security. She gazed at the guy, watching him begin to retreat into another room when a door breaches open and the mood in the room differs. It was a visceral feeling first before Eiko could even hear someone walking in. The effect of something tense and stiff overpowering her confusion when she noticed the guy left the room with nothing else but the last sentence he said.

"You, on the sofa." The speaking was so crisp and darkly feminine with each word smoothing over one another.

Eiko glanced over at the woman. She didn't look the age that her dated royal accent implied. She was around her 30s at most.

She brushed her hair back with her hand, long enough to round around her angled shoulders and to rest on the back of her lithe figure. Matching the same shade of ash black as her fitting dress, ending just before her flats start.

"Your name is Eiko."

Eiko's fists are formed, her nails actively dipping into her palms.

The lady's strides were big and gentle, her steps occurring without sound. She stopped just to look at Eiko, looking over her face. Eiko saw a smile pull at her lips only half way.


"Who are you?" Eiko questioned her.

The lady crossed her arms, grinning with a vile look. "I'll allow you to call me Koroi."

"And why am I here?"

Koroi tsked, waving her index finger in disapproval. "No need to ask the question, when you're about to leave." She glanced at Riki momentarily.

She leaned forward, their faces appearing closer to one another. Eiko could view the beauty mark on her right cheek and below her nose. She found it interesting because she had one below her nose too, but it wasn't of much importance.

"This is your fault." She stated and pushed Eiko's head back with her finger pressed against Eiko's forehead.

Eiko sported a scowl, swatting at Koroi's hand. "And what do you mean by that?"

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