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Riki had thought she was a maniac for the request but Eiko wasn't going to back down. She was just a stubborn person he couldn't get by.

After he filled one vial he gave it to Eiko warily as if he was already regretting what he had done and Eiko took the glass with a look of interest before raising it to her line of sight.

It was the same subtle red as her own which was in coordination of what Jake had said it would be if a vampire fed recently.

Bringing her out of concentration, her phone thrummed once, then again after a short moment of time between the two notifications.

"Think you might wanna check that," Riki stated, immediately tilting his head to the direction of her phone when Eiko glanced at him.

"Yeah yeah," she murmured though she proceeded to do as advised and checked the notifications one by one.

> oh you're so 🦆ed Eiko
> boss is mad about what you had sent in

> yo...
> make sure you come with a bulletproof vest when you come back to work /hj

> idk what you want at your funeral but you better commence to deciding

> why aren't you at work
> probably to avoid the boss so nvm
> in that case never come to work again

Eiko knew this was going to happen so she wasn't entirely surprised nor intimidated but she heeded the fact that she'd be better off not coming to work for a while—even though she already literally couldn't because of the barrier.

"Good or bad?" Asked Riki. Suddenly he was caring for the wounds in her wrist, wiping at each injury with a cold alcohol wipe. Eiko tried not to focus on it because she knew that if she did she would feel the pain then.

"Well technically bad, but nothing to worry about," Eiko answered him before she shut her phone off. "Some work stuff basically."

Her mind drifted somewhere else as she accepted Riki's low hum as a recognition of her words, the both of them going embracing silence while Riki assessed her injury and Eiko mulled over whatever came to mind.

He smoothed a thick layer of ointment over the marks and gently let go of her hand, Eiko decided then to speak up about what she was thinking.

"Maybe going out would help me more than staying inside. I think I'm going to go back outside today."

Riki's face scrunched as he was obviously not siding on her stance.

Eiko was firm in her conviction though and didn't budge when Riki warned her not to.

"Don't you think that's dangerous? Even if I'm with you there's nothing securing your safety."

"It's just as bad as being cooped up here if I'm being frank," Eiko remarked instantly though a bit bitter that he wasn't trusting her judgment. "I've been inside this whole time trying to change things but nothing's been happening. There's not much being inside can do for me."

Riki still seemed like he wasn't getting her point due to his skeptical expression.

She explained further, "I either die from not doing anything but staying inside or I'll die from going outside and at least trying to do something. And fun fact, I do not like being bored or sitting still when I know I could be doing something."

"ENFJ," Riki muttered, sighing at her explanation.

"I actually think I'm more ENFP."

Riki looked her in the eyes, "then I guess I know you better than you know yourself. Go ahead. If you're in danger I'll sense it."

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