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Cassie and I were back at my place celebrating and drinking wine. "Since "Be with you" is going to go number one." She started off as I giggled. "Philly is different they know me but will people fuck with it in New York or in Atlanta you know?" I asked. "Y/N people are loving it that's just self doubt getting to you" she assured. "We'll see" I said "and that's fine because I know you working on something else" she assured as I just smiled. "What you got?" She questioned as I went over to my speaker. "I added a little something to that beat Travis sent" I informed. "Let me hear" she said placing her wine down on the coffee table. I just started playing the intro I knew I was keeping.

"Ring the alarm, I've been through too long but I'll be damned if I see another bitch on your arm" I heard my voice as Cassie nodded her head. "Don't you ring the alarm, I've been through this too long, but I'll be damned if I see another bitch on your arm" I repeated as It was not just the beat playing with my voice not on it because I didn't finish. I then paused the song as Cassie nodded. "Okay. Jeremiah did say stop making "love" music because no one fucking with it" Cassie said placing her hands back being messy. "Exactly" I agreed taking a seat back next to her. "I can't wait until I make it" I said with a big smile while shaking my head. "You already did, believe it or not" Cassie said as I looked over at her and smiled. "I love you Cassidy" I honestly said hugging her as she hugged me back. "Aww. I love you too. Just when you get invited to something Beyoncé's at make sure I'm there " she brought up as I laughed. "You know I will" I assured as there was a knock on my door.

I just got up from the couch and walked towards the door "is that your man?" Cassie teasingly asked as I laughed and shook my head. "He's not my man" I assured. "Mmhm" she hummed as i unlocked the door and opened it seeing Jeremiah standing there. "Hey" I nonchalantly said as I walked away from the door and he followed in closing the door behind us. Cassie just looked back at us and rolled her eyes. "Oh it's That one" she said as Jeremiah grabbed my hand and I turned to look at him. "You get in front of your girl don't want to give a Nigga a kiss?" Jeremiah questioned as I just took my hand away. "I don't know where your lips been" I simply said as Cassie snickered.
"You always with her" he said to Cassie. "Maybe if you showed her some attention you would always be with her" cassis shot back. "Alright" I simply said.

"Me and Cassie hanging out" I brought up. "Yeah but I need to talk to you about something important" he said as I just rolled my eyes. "Don't you got a Nigga too?" He asked Cassie. "No I got a man" she snapped as I just looked at Jeremiah shaking my head. "We were in here celebrating don't start your bull shit" I warned. "Celebrating what?!" He questioned as Cassie spoke up. "I'm about to go" she said getting up. "Bye" Jeremiah simply said as Cassie eyed him. "Call me if I need to Fuck this Nigga up" Cassie said to me as I just nodded. I walked Cassie towards the door as we said our goodbyes and I closed the door behind her.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked locking the door. "Us" He answered as I just looked at him. "I told you I wanted space for the weekend" I brought up. "And you can't even give me that" I started off. "I'm your man what do you need space for?!" He questioned as I just let out an aggravated sigh. "You don't act like it until I give you the same energy back" I stressed. "The fuck are you talking about? I've been trying to make sure you Good the whole time you needed your space" he expressed. "Yes because I asked for space now all of a sudden you want to be there because I asked for space. I shouldn't have to threaten you or you think I'm about to leave you for you to do what you're supposed to do as my boyfriend" I expressed.

"What are you talking about? I thought we were good?" Jeremiah asked as I just sighed to myself trying to calm myself down. "You really think we're good?" I asked him in all honesty. "Yeah" he answered. "When's the last time you did something nice for me?" I questioned. "Y/N don't be like these gold digging ass bitches out here" he expressed. "And don't be like one of these bum ass niggas out here that put their dick in anything that walks" I shot back. "I ain't come over here to argue" he said. "No we're having a conversation you're just mad because I'm right." I simply said walking away. "I should've listened to my fucking father" I simply said. "Say that shit again" Jeremiah said as I ignored him. I then felt Jeremiah grab my wrist roughly and pull me to face him.

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