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We got back to the hotel room as Donnie started changing and I took my girdle off to have more breathing air for my stomach. "What did you have to talk to me about?" He asked as I started taking out my outfit for tonight which was an oversized, off the shoulder jean dress and a pair of jean knee high heel boots. I knew it was July but it was so cute besides it was oversized so I was trying to go with the look. "Where you about to go?" Donnie questioned. "Well a little bit after you leave my hair stylist and make up artist are coming to do my hair and makeup then jasmine and Cassie are coming to take me to dinner for my birthday" I explained as he just stood there for a moment. "Shit" he whispered to himself. "Yeah so I'm going out tonight" I said continuing to do what I was doing.

"Baby" he started off trying to grab my hand but I moved it away trying to get the jewelry that I was going to wear out but he tried grabbing my hands again. "I'm sorry baby girl" he apologized as I nodded. "I'm good, I know you got a lot on your plate" I simply lied. I definitely wasn't good he's been doing this ever since the talks of this fight has started and I was just tired of talking and arguing about things that matter outside of this fight so I stopped talking. Do what you want to do..."you sure you're okay?" He questioned. "Yeah go train" I assured him hearing my phone ring as I went over to go get it.

"I love you, I'll see you later" I simply said grabbing my phone seeing Jasmine calling. I placed my phone to my ear as he just grabbed his phone and tried placing a kiss on my lips but I moved my face feeling him then place a kiss on my cheek. "I love you too" he said before walking out of the door. I knew he loved me but this whole thing was definitely bringing a side out of him I've never seen and it's all coming out of a place of fear and hurt. Donnie always feels like he has to prove himself in everything and I get it because I'm the same way but damn he didn't even get to enjoy winning heavy weight championship against Danny Wheeler.

"Hello?" I answered "hey, I landed I'm walking to baggage claim now" she informed. "Alright I'll see you in a little while" I assured. "Okay, you alright? You sound kind of off" she asked genuinely concerned. "Yeah I'm okay" I answered sitting on the edge of the bed. "I'll see you later" she assured. "Okay" I said before we said our "I love You's" then hung up. I sat there and started to cry to myself. I just sat there thinking and contemplating on how I was going to deal with this and cope with it. I was praying after the fight was finished that he just chill out and focus on us and our baby. I grabbed my phone beginning to play "Dreaming of You" by Selena on repeat. I rubbed my belly singing softly to it as I faintly smiled to myself.


Five hours past as Donnie was still out and i was finished getting ready for dinner. I looked down at my phone reading 7:16 PM. The Dinner reservations were made for 8:45 at a restaurant out here in the city. I heard a knock at the hotel room door as my make up artist got the door while my hair stylist was combing my hair and taking pictures of it. Cassie walked in looking around the four season Empire suite we were in . "Oh this is nice!" She expressed as there was another knock informing me it was probably jasmine because we were supposed to meet up here around 7:30. Cassie then got the door as Jasmine walked in. "Damn you and Adonis just had to be on the top floor?" Jasmine asked playfully.

"I missed you guys" I admitted standing up from my seat as I hugged them. "I got to see the ring in real time" Cassie said as I showed her the ring and she gasped. "Whew girl!" She expressed as we shared a laugh. "And you glowing" she added looking over me making me smile. "You ARE" jasmine joined in placing her hand on her hips while looking me up and down. "The outfit, You look REALLY good mamas" Cassie reassured me as I smiled.

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