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My alarm went off on my phone as I opened my eyes. I reached for my phone on the night stand as I turned off my alarm and sat up about to get out of the bed. I pulled the covers off of my body as Donnie arms was wrapped around my body. "Where you going?" He asked in a husky tone. "I'm going out to brunch with the girls D" I answered as he groaned holding onto me tightly. "You got an extra thirty minutes?" Donnie asked beginning to kiss my neck. "Sir we didn't even brush our teeth" I brought up as he kissed my cheek. "Give me twenty minutes" Donnie added kissing my ear making me smile. "Ten?" He asked as I laughed. "Go brush your teeth, funky breath" I joked as he pulled the covers off of himself going to brush his teeth. I then got out of the bed and followed going to brush my teeth as well.

I started brushing my teeth as Donnie was already brushing his teeth. I walked over and turned on the shower continuing to brush my teeth. Donnie just walked over and smacked my butt lightly then squeezed it some. I just smiled and spit some of the foam out of my mouth continuing to brush my teeth. Donnie soon finished and walked over to me placing his hands on my hips. I smiled and turned towards him before he picked me up causing me to take my tooth brush out of my mouth and laugh. "Adonis!" I expressed as Donnie sat me on the counter beginning to kiss my neck. I spit into the running water in the sink then rinsed my mouth out feeling Donnie rub my thighs.

"D I have to go to brunch with the girls" I reminded as he continued to rub my thighs."I want to spend time with you too" Donnie brought up as I just held onto his hand and looked at him. "What's going on baby girl?" Adonis questioned. "Last night was nice" I started off "but what?" I questioned. "It's going to take more than sex to fix this" I honestly admitted. "I know that" Adonis expressed grabbing my hands. "You just told me yesterday you wanted me to show you love, and how much I love you" he started off "baby I can't do that if you're going to push me away because you're getting scared." Adonis explained.

"I know D but it's hard" I started off "do you think we need to separate?" I asked out of curiosity. "Separate? Separate for what Y/N?!" He questioned clearly against the thought of that. "Break up to understand what we want Adonis" I stressed as he shook his head to himself taking his hands out of mine about to walk out of the bathroom. "Adonis" I called out behind him as he turned to look at me. "I'm trying to talk to you" I stressed. "I just told you how I felt last night, why the fuck would I want to break up?!" He questioned. "I just asked a question D" I simply answered. "Y/N you wouldn't be asking me no shit like that if it wasn't for a reason" he shot back.

"I just want to have a conversation with you, put whatever is going to work for the both of us in the end out there on the table" I assured. "And breaking up is one of them?!" Donnie questioned. "Yeah, it's not just us anymore we have a kid to think about and I don't want this to disrupt her" I explained as he threw his hands back. "I said what I had to say last night, I apologized" he started off. "If you don't want to fight for this no more we can move on it's whatever you want to do Y/N" he simply explained. "D it was just an option that's why I'm trying to talk to you" I argued. "You have that as an option because you don't trust me and another nigga is a back up plan for you" he said as I looked at him kind of taken back because....what?!.

"Your last nigga-" he started off as I quickly interrupted. "D I was in a domestic situation don't start your shit" I warned. "Yeah but in the midst of going through your issues who did you fuck?" He asked as I stood there lost for words. "So instead of repeating history you're going to break it off this time to go fuck someone else" he explained as I just stood there. "Is that what you really think of me?" I simply asked. "What do you want me to think or say Y/N. You want me to talk and to get my feelings out there, that's how I feel" he expressed as I just looked at him and nodded not saying a word.

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