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I was at my place playing one of the songs I was half way through making and for the most part it sounded really good.

"Tell me how should I feel when I know what I know
And my female intuition telling me you're a dog?
People told me 'bout the flames, I couldn't see through the smoke
When I need answers, accusations
What you mean, you gone choke?"

I played loudly as there was a loud knock on my door. I just scrunched my brows some and looked over at the door before pausing the music. I walked over to the door and opened it seeing a bouquet of flowers covering whoever's face this was at my door. They then moved it down as It was Donnie standing there. "Hey" I said with a smile. "What's up?" He asked as he placed a kiss on my lips before walking in. I just smiled and closed the door behind me. "These are for you" he said handing me the bouquet of flowers as I smiled. "For what?" I asked locking the door. "I know how much you like them and for your show tomorrow night" he said as I faintly smiled. "What? You can't make it?" I asked as he chuckled. "Nah I'm going to be there I can't miss that" he admitted as I smiled and just hugged him as he chuckled hugging me back.

"I heard you working on my song" he said as we pulled away from each other and I giggled beginning to head towards the kitchen. "Your song?" I asked as he followed. "Yeah I fuck with it" he admitted sitting at the island as I grabbed a vase filling it up with water before sitting it on the island. "I hope other people do too because "Be With you" is still going crazy and that's how I want this next song to be" I honestly said. "I really want a deal" I added. "You know you're going to get one, just give it a minute" he assured me as I took a breath. "I can see you with your own label though" he said as I smiled taking the flowers form out the plastic beginning to cut the stems off.
"Really?" I asked looking at him. "Yeah" he agreed with a smile as I shrugged. "I guess we have to see but I do want my own studio in my place when I start making money" I added as he chuckled and I continued doing what I was doing.

I just felt him look at me as I finally looked at him. "What?" I asked in a small laugh as he shook his head. "Nothing" he started off. "Every time Mary Anne gets flowers she does the same thing you're doing. You just remind me of her" he explained as I smiled. "I don't know if that's a good thing or bad thing" I said as he chuckled. "It's a good thing. She's a good woman" he assured making me smile. "I want you to meet her" he brought up as I paused and looked at him. "Meet her?" I Questioned. "Yeah when you go out to LA again let me know so we can set it up" he suggested as I smiled. "Sure but does she know about me?" I asked out of curiosity. "I mean I haven't actually told her we were dating as of yet" he started off as I playfully rolled my eyes. "But" he interrupted "she knows about you" he assured. "How about we take it slow I'm not in a rush and neither should you" I suggested. "Yeah but you know" he started off. "I don't want to waste any time with you. I really like you and I can see myself being with you for the long run" Donnie expressed as I just looked at him lost for words. "Donnie" I started off looking down. "Y/N I ain't trying to rush you." He said as I heard him getting up.

I finally looked over at him as he started walking around the island towards me. "I just want you to know I'm serious" he added. "I'm serious. I'm serious about us and I'm serious about you" he expressed looking down at me in my eyes. "I don't know all of what your ex did but Y/N I'm serious about you" he admitted as I just looked up at him. "D I'm serious about you too but you don't feel like you rushing just a bit?" I asked as he shook his head. "I ain't saying I'm going to propose to you right here, right now but I want you to know that you ain't no joke and I don't take you as a joke" Donnie said while grabbing my hand.

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