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July ( 3 months later)

We were out in New York for for Donnie's match with Viktor Drago tomorrow night. Right now we were currently heading to the Barclays center for Donnie's weigh in. The boxing match was also being held at the Barclays center as well. Donnie have been dehydrating himself for twenty four hours prior to the weigh in due to them needing his exact weight and not water weight. This was required for all fighters to make sure they meets the correct weight requirements for the fight. So to prepare for the weigh in for the last twenty four hours He hasn't been drinking any liquids, he's been in steam rooms to sweat as much as possible could and taking hot baths just to get the access water weight off for his true weight. I had his Gatorade on deck once he was done with the weigh in because he needed to replace the electrolytes and water and lost within the twenty four hours.

I just sat in the SUV next to Donnie rubbing my five month old belly humming "Dreaming of You" by Selena. Due to us being out here I couldn't find out the baby's gender until we went back to LA and the appointment was set up for the Tuesday coming up. "You alright?" I asked looking over at Donnie as he was just looking out of the window. "Yeah I'm good" he assured me then just looked at me. "You straight you've been REAL quiet" here brought up. "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked as he chuckled. "You've just been to yourself since we got up" he said as I just shook my head. "I feel sick" I admitted as he then reached over and rubbed my belly.

Donnie and I were kind of back to being normal the closer the fight has gotten the more we would argue and it wasn't even on my end. I understand that he's stressed but so am I and I'm trying to be easy like Mary-Anne and my mother keeps telling me but I'm at the point to where I don't even know what to do.
I've been hiding my pregnancy from the media because I know that can cause a stressor on me as well so I've been low key about it until I can't. The only other thing I can do is literally work on my craft for some type of relief. Donnie tells me I need to relax when it comes to music but that's my only outlet right now. Most of Our arguments consist of him working and us wanting to spend some type of time with each other. Ever since this fight came about I don't even know the last time we've been out on a date. He's just been so focused on this fight it's like nothing else matters and of course it made me sad, but I had to keep being in his corner because depending on how this turned out he was going to need me.

"Something else is bothering you" I heard him say continuing to rub my belly as I just looked At him. "It's not" I lied. right now I just wanted him to focus on his weigh in and besides Duke was in the front seat along with the chauffeur driving the car so I didn't want to talk about it and it turns into an argument. "Y/N I know something is going on" he said as I just looked at him. "I'll talk to you about it later" I simply said looking back out the window.

I just wanted to spend time with Donnie that was it. Donnie hasn't said anything about my birthday, stated that he was going to do anything for it nor said he even had a surprise just nothing....it's just been about this fight. My birthday was tomorrow and since Donnie wasn't doing anything or even cared to do anything I was going to go out to dinner. Jasmine was flying in today and so was Cassie to join me. Donnie didn't know yet but once this weigh-in thing was finished I was going to tell him. He was going to workout and train anyway so he shouldn't have an issue.

I fixed my top so no one caught the slight baby bump I had when stepping out of the car. I was thanking God everyday that I wasn't busting out of tops yet because five months depending on your body you could but my stomach was was the average five month old belly so it was there but with the right outfit and some spanks it was there but less noticeable. The card came to a stop as reporters and fans were standing outside waiting for Donnie. Security came to the side of the SUV as the chauffeur got out the car and went to Donnie's side letting him out of the car. I moved some of my hair out of my face, fixing my dress one last time before Donnie held his hand out for me so I could get out of the SUV after him.

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