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I finished my hair as I was combing through it listening to faint music, voices talk and laugh out in the living room. It was Amara's first Christmas and my first Christmas without my mother so I was a little emotional. I cried earlier this morning when cooking but I thought about Amara and eventually stopped. Mary-Anne, Jasmine , Cassie, Travis their son Chris, my grandmother and Rocky were all here for Christmas so the house was definitely filled with nothing but love.

I looked at myself in the mirror contemplating on if I was going to put make up on or not along with a dress and some heels, I was already doing a lot just me doing my hair. This was the first time in months I've even looked presentable in my opinion. I was really going through it, still kind of going through it. There were days where I wouldn't even get out of the bed. if it wasn't for my hairstylist placing braids in my hair once I was discharged from the hospital, I don't know what I would look like. And Although I wear baby lashes, jasmine had me get my lashes and eyebrows done the day before Amara came home just so I can take the steps to get back where I was at before everything happened.

The album that was supposed to be released the end of this year has been postponed because my label and I felt I needed some time off between the situation with Adonis in recovery, me having the baby and losing my mother, they felt it was best I waited til I was ready. The fans understood completely and supported me along with industry friends who would text it call just to make sure the family and I was good. Do I was grateful for that as well.

I decided to get dressed in something comfortable and something I can easily breast feed Amara in for when she was hungry. I slipped into a black, long sleeve, stretchy dress and sprayed some perfume on my body. And stood in the mirror placing some simple stud earrings into my ears.

I looked over at myself in the mirror fixing any fly aways in my hair.

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I then smoothed out my dress and decided I was just going to walk around with slippers on because I wasn't feeling shoes right now

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I then smoothed out my dress and decided I was just going to walk around with slippers on because I wasn't feeling shoes right now. "Baby girl you good? It's been an hour" I heard Donnie say coming into the bathroom as I looked at him through the mirror. "Yeah this is the best I got" I admitted turning around. "And You look beautiful" he complimented as I faintly smiled. "I don't feel up to getting dressed up yet" I added as he nodded "I know we can try new years but you look beautiful the way you are" he assured while looked over my body.

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