Part one

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I was watching my favourite movie, The SpongeBob SquarePants one,while checking my phone every minute or so.

I was supposedly getting a call from Mr Hart for a job,but he never told me the time of the call.

So I'm sat here at 5:30 in the morning anxiously waiting for a meeting place or just even a little text.

The house was a state, the floor needed a quick hoover and the shelves grew thick with dust.

My empty cereal bowl left unoccupied on the kitchen counter.

Ever since I've been doing little jobs with Mr hart,more money has been deposited in my acount then ever.

God at this point I could hire a maid.

My eyes wondered around the marble floors of the kitchen

Landing back to the cup of coffee resting firm in my hands.

My leg shook with curiosity,when was he going to call?

Where's the job going to be?

why am I still hungry?

I'm not scared about the job, I never usually am but I heard Hart talking all about it with his close men.

And it didn't sound easy.

I step up from the sofa and walk to my kitchen island were fruit laid neatly in a bowl.

My hand reaches out and grabs the Nutella next to it.

My phone rang.

I practically pounce for it.

Unknown Caller ID

Hart never stuck to the same number for 'privacy' reasons

But how would I know if it was him or some random scammer telling me my mum was up for ransom.

I slide the answer button and wait for Hart to say something.

"hiciste el trabajo vivian?" The speaker on the phone made his voice seem even more intimidating then usual.

"sí, una bala justo entre sus ojos."yes a bullet in between his eyes. Only hours ago I was holding a gun up to a man's head.

His muffled screams were silenced through the tape planted over his mouth.

It was my job anyway.

It was our thing to start the call in Spanish, it was easy enough for me since my mama was Spanish and I grew up there.

But I had to make him get Duolingo on his personal phone.

"Good,now we may plan another attack, our biggest one yet."

My head falls back in annoyance.

"You will need to pack your bags for at least two weeks. Any other necessities can be bought for you when you are there."

"Two weeks?" I was shocked, they usually only lasted around four to five days.

Maybe being one of the best assassins in the world had some flaws.

I mean I'm constantly moving around to suit Mr hart and his obligations.

But at least it could be a nice warm destination.

"You are flying to Italy in the next two days."


A car will be outside tomorrow morning.

Fuck.I was planning on buying a pet rabbit.

I guess it can wait.

"who's the guy?" I wanted a break from this stuff constant killing and fighting, I just wanted to go out without needing a knife strapped onto my thigh.

Although it is badass as fuck.

"Samuel David black." He rambled on about his age looks and where I could find the man.

The man that men had killed my own mothe and now Mr hart is sending me out their to kill them all?

Sounded life a death wish to them.

I don't care if every one of those men died a slow painful death. I couldn't of cared if black died himself.

Selfish prick if you ask me

"If he's in his 60s I don't think I'll have trouble getting past him." I snicker.

"Es peligroso no te quiero solo."he's dangerous I don't want you alone for this. He whispers in a quieter voice so his guards couldn't hear him.

He obviously switched to Spanish when he didn't want any of his guards to hear him, pretty smart if you ask me.

"You will be accompanied by one of my trusted friends."

I always worked alone no matter what.

I didn't need anyone else

"I can do it alone Mr Hart. Ive always Done it by myself."
I couldn't start working in another area with someone else,what if they cant kill for shit.

"What if they slack around, while I do all the work?"i I was trying to think of anything that would get me off the hook.

"I already told you Vivian this is the greatest mission you will ever have. I need you for this you are one of my best assassins and I don't trust anyone else to do it right."

"Trust me ms Esmeray, he's one of the best in the world,as are you.


Oh for fucks sake

I don't even get a girl,it was a man.

Ugh this isn't how I wanted to spend my next couple of weeks.

"So when am I going to meet this man?" I was starting to get a bit unenthusiastic about the whole thing.

I didn't need any man to help me, ever.

"The next meeting will be in person,you will meet him then."

I hear him take a breathe " i must warn you,he is the leader of the Russian mafia so don't get on his bad side ms"

"He can be dangerous."

God, he really just said it how it was.

No hiccup or anything

"You have to be fucking kidding me."

I hear Hart hanging up on me shortly after, I couldn't do the job.

Not with him,Mateo Russo

I knew the man,it was only ten years ago when we first met.

The first and last time.

I was twelve, and my mother bought me down to the beach while My father was meeting Mr Russos men, as mateo wasn't the leader until his father died four years ago.

Mateo was a couple years older then me sixteen or so

He never spoke to me unless he had to. Which came as quite the inconvenience to me as I like talking,a lot.

He was a cold boy at such a young age, it looked as if he was annoyed at every presence that dared to glare at him.

But when I found the documents about me.

About my entire family and how they planned and tortured my parents.

I hated the boy ever since.

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