Part two

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The orange and pink sky was fading into darkness and I felt my eyelids get heavy.

The time on my phone told me it was just past nine. I needed to be up early tomorrow.

I'd have no clue on where I'd be meeting Hart.

And the only way I'd figure out is waiting for him to call,and that could differentiate between early morning to midday.

I had to Google how long a flight from here to Italy is.

Two to three hours on a plain with a man I despise isn't too bad.

Im joking,I think I'd jump off before It landed.

My head falls limply onto my pillow and I start to relax.

My suitcase was packed and off to the side of my room.

I had packed some cute outfits in case I needed to put on an act as a clueless girl at a bar to get close. 

It's a lot easier then you'd think honestly.

And it's not like I'm dressing to impress anyone.

Why would I need to?

It's not like Mateo was going to be dressed up either.

It was a simple job that would only take a couple days.we'd stay in a different place and only have to talk when it was absolutely needed.

Which was hopefully only once or twice.I couldn't stand the stupid small talk between two people forced to be together,it drove me crazy.

'How are you'

'The weather is nice today'

Just shut up. Please.

It wouldn't be so bad since I had been preparing for the exact moment I saw his grimy ugly face.

It would go something like, me slapping him in the face and ending it with a kick in the balls.

In my head I'm hoping I'd see him crying in the floor like a baby.

Three pounds at the door make my body flinch and my eyes dart over to my phone.

No one text me saying they were coming over.

I slowly get up from the bed, a dizzy feeling washing over me.

The cold marble floors made goosebumps run throughout my legs.

I grab the handle of the door and twist while pulling my joggers higher up on my waist.

The orange sky slightly blinds me and I use my hands to cover my burning eyes.

I finally just to the light when I see hart and a couple of his bodyguards behind him.

"Hart?" I was confused,honestly no text no call no warning.

I'm in sweats and a T-shirt for gods sake.

"I hope your packed Esmeray."
His deep voice woke me up from any ounce of tired I had in my system, gone.

"Yeah it's all in my room." I'm now focusing on the men that leech onto Hart.

Except one.

He was tall,handsome and his muscles were suffocating through his T-shirt.

"Right,go get her stuff now." Hart snapped at the men and three of them hurried into my bedroom.

The taller man stayed put,his hazel eyes piercing into mine.
"Holy fuck." He whispers underneath his breath

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