Part eight

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The clock read seven, the car should be here in about an hour and I have everything done,I have three knives strapped to my thigh and a pistol spinning around my fingers.

"Don't you think that's a bit risky doing that in such an enclosed area?" He looks up from his stance on the couch.

"Oh fuck off,you were throwing knifes merely minutes ago." The gun stops spinning and lays perfectly in my hand.

It's taking every ounce of strength in me right now not to shoot him then shoot myself.

This entire mission was getting out of hands.

I mean the information about this whole 'car park' shit was limited.

All I knew was I had to kill every last one of them.

Which sounded easy, but it didn't stop me from feeling anxious about doing it with this man.

I sit myself on the couch away from him and shake off the tenseness of my body into the sofa.

"Are you ready?" He glares at me, for a little too long.

"Mhm." I mumble not looking up from my fingertips.

Am I ready?

It's been a long time since I've been on a long mission like this,let alone with another human being with me.

I get a sharp pain in my stomach and it causes me to flinch slightly.

I feel his eyes look up on me for a split second before returning to the tv in-front of us.

"Eat something." His voice almost sounded demanding.

"I will,I'm just thinking."

My mind was racing with many thoughts,every way imaginable it could go wrong.

Disgusting images flooded my mind. I knew almost nothing about the guy next to me.

I hardly remember him as a kid,I remember him as distant but mildly sweet.

Things change.

Twenty or so minutes go by while watching tv and i feel my phone vibrate numerous times.

Missed call from 'H'.


I quickly ring back and put the phone to my ear when I hear a voice.

"el coche estará aquí en diez minutos." The car will be here in ten minutes.

"Vale." Okay.

"Where is mattheo? I'll need to speak with him soon." The phones volume made it easy for Russo to hear.

"Pass me the phone,Esmeray." His hand reaches out.

I pass the phone over while saying my goodbyes to Hart.

"What did you need to speak to me about?" He asks Hart through the phone.

I watch his fingers turn the volume down and place it to his ear.

Sneaky bitch.

"Yes." Russo says with a hint of confusion followed by the sound of a quiet muffled voice on the other side.

I stared into his eyes,I focused on the words coming out his mouth and the small faces he pulls each answer he gives Hart.

"Yes sir,I promise." His finger is quick to press the red button on my phone and the call has ended.

"So,what was that all about?" I look up at him again. His eyes stare back at mine with a emotion I can't read.

"Doesn't matter." His eyes still on mine and flickering between them both.

Heat makes it way to my cheeks and I'm quick to look away to sort myself out.

Ten minutes.

Ten minutes until that driver is taking us to our destination to kill a bunch of people,and quite frankly,I hope it's my last.

I stand up and quickly check everything. My gun,knife and other small things that can drastically change the way this fight goes are all taped to my thighs.

I urge Russo to do the same by glaring at him with question as he is still sat on the sofa.

"You've got everything, right?"
My hair falling between my fingertips as I comb it to the back of my head,securing with a hair band.


It's only now that I can hear the engine from outside.

"He's here." I say quickly before I open the front door and get to the car.

I hear footsteps trail behind me meanwhile the driver is placing the cigar between his lips.

I open the front to the car door and slide in.

"Who says you get to be in the front." I hear him mumble from outside the car window.

"Who says I don't?" I snap back at him before rolling up my window.

He mumbles some Russian curses before getting in the back.

Hah,what a pussy.

The drive took maybe half an hour of silence before the driver stops.

"Good luck, ms Esmeray." He flashes a smile before returning to his cold expression.

"Thank you sir." I smile back and get out of the car, greeted by a five story car park that looks like it hasn't been used in decades.

Mattheo gets out of the car and let's our a sigh.

"What floor are we waiting on?" His deep voice echos throughout the car park.

"Hart said something about the third floor." I look up to meet his eyes before I start walking.

It takes us about 10 minutes to find where we are supposed to be before we take cover behind a
conveniently placed car.

The silence is deafening and before I try to say something to make the awkward lack of speaking stop,two large vehicles pull right infront of us.

"You ready, Esmeray?" He asks with a hint of sarcasm.



Okay so u was supposed to do a very long chapter that included the whole mission but to be honest I couldn't be bothered.

Im sorry for the lack of chapters I've been feeling super unmotivated lately but im hoping to get back into it soon.

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