Part nine

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"You ready Esmeray?"



I was starting to lose all patience. It had been almost half an hour and no cars have entered or left the concrete building.

"How much longer." I sigh and lean my head back on the wheel of the car.

"Wait." He says,the boredom didn't seem to affect him like it did me.

My body flinched when a stabbing pain filled my abdomen.

"Why didn't you eat like I asked you too?" He sighs with frustration.

"I don't need anyone telling me what to do,I'm fine Russo." I mutter with a slight shake in my voice.

"Whatever." He is about to continue the conversation when two cars pull in around the same time.

My leg is slightly on show from when I flinched and I was about to move when I feel a pair of strong hands grab me by the hips and pull me into the centre.


"You almost blew our cover,Vivian." He was mad,but he kept it under control.

"Well I didn't so-." I say my breathe hitched as he places a hand over my mouth.

A couple muffles leave me before I give up with trying to communicate.

His hands were soft,but very big, like could cover my entire face if he wanted too,big.

I look up at him to see him practicing his breathing, all while using his other hand to grab a gun out of his pocket.

Okay,it's okay.the mission will be easy. I've done stuff like this for breakfast.

"Give it 20 seconds and we will sneak up each side."

"Dibs left." I whisper and he looks down at me in frustration.

I now have a dagger in my hand and a gun ready to shoot any second.


Fuck,okay I'm doing this. I move my body slightly to view the trucks In front of me.

I can get behind without them seeing if I just slowly slide against the car.

I was silent,completely silent,and from the lack of screaming I could tell Russo was doing the exact same thing as me. He was sneaking up behind the van exactly as I was.

There was a man blocking my view of the now empty vans.

A thump echos throughout the car park as I kick him down and cover his mouth.

The blade gets pulled from the strap tightened on my thighs and I quickly shove it in his chest,killing him instantly.

As u heard another thump on the ground it was clear Russo had also just killed a man.

I looked up to see no men suspicious. Weird.

I decide to slide out the small throwing knifes and line three up in front off me. I take a minute to study the man I'm about to kill and line up the shot.

In one swift movement the dagger leaves my hand and punctures into his throat.

The death is almost instant,but far from silent. The men shout curses and codes which I don't plan on deciphering,but each of them are now pointing there guns at random areas.

I get the two other throwing knifes and take out two men instantly. Which also blows my cover.

Men shout and slowly make their way to my spot but and killed off when Russo shoots four of them in the face. The blood splatters up my face and gag in disgust.

I quickly get up and move to cover myself behind one of the enemy's trucks. I can see Russo reloading his gun and I unintentionally find myself covering for him.

My eyes met with a large man sneaking behind Russo and I let my gun fire repeatedly into his body.

"Fucking hell." I breathe out, that was insanely close to one of us being killed.

Wouldn't be me though.

His gun is now fully loaded again and he's moving around the trucks to find the men.

I could tell there wasn't many left, maybe 3 or 4 but they were all waiting for us to make the move.

I hear Two guns being fired and I run to the scene.

Russo had killed two men, there lifeless body's growing colder on the concrete floor.

I see another guy and it takes a couple seconds for me to land a solid shot and watch him fall.

I can feel my body trembling and my head spinning.

What's happening?

The last guy manages to locate me and just as I see him about to pull the trigger.

My body falls.


I'm so sorry it's so short but I'm slowly trying to get back into this again 💗

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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