Part four

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I awoke to an ice cold feeling splash on my face.

"ah what the fuck!" I pounce up from my bed and see Russo standing over me with a now empty glass.

He then nudges my shoulder.
"It time to fucking get up." His accent was thicker in the mornings and his voice was lower.

"Don't you dare to ever fucking touch me." I pushed his hand away and got up from my bed,storming to the kitchen island.

He went stiff and tensed his jaw before following me out my room.

"You must get ready now,Hart is expecting us downstairs soon.

I decided against eating breakfast, as wherever we were meeting, there would hopefully be food. I walked back to my room and carefully picked out a classy, short black dress, I haven't worn it before, but I knew it fit me perfectly.

I lay it out on my un made bed and grabbed a towel that has been warming up on the radiator and place it on my bed until I get in the shower.I'll be honest, it's sort of nice to be away from home, from the mess and the boredom

It's not like this was a vacation, but it's still felt sort of fun, obviously it w would be nicer without him, but I understand, but not everything goes in your favour.

The bathroom is large, and the interior design looked clean and minimalistic. I twisted the door to lock it and turn on the shower. i began stripping from the old T-shirt and joggers I had worn before.

I didn't know how long will it take me to get ready or how long I have left until I must go downstairs to meet Hart.

There was a larger mirror across from the door and a nice marble counter and I neatly laid my clothes near the sink.

I run my hands through the now steaming water and turn the cold down so I practically scorch my skin off which is weirdly just what I wanted.

It only took me a moment to get fully under the boiling water and lean my head back.

Now this is what I've needed,the hot droplets stung my neck moving down to my torso.

The coconut shampoo was stood up on the shelves next to me. I grab the bottle and put a generous amount on my head.

After washing it out I go to grab the other bottle and use almost the entire thing to condition my ends.

It takes me awhile to get out all of the residue before turning the shower off and getting out

I was stood there in drenched and cold and only realised then that I forgot my towel

I could of easily just ran for my life and risk Russo seeing me naked but i quite frankly couldn't be bothered.

Fuck,I really didn't want to do this.

"Russo!" I slightly opened the door and waited for his answer.

"Yeah?" I hear his voice come from the living room.

"Do you mind getting the towel on my bed please!"

"Yeah I do mind." That's all I heard from him.

"Just fucking get it Russo!"I used my hand to run my fingers through my hair in annoyance.

"Иисус don't throw a fucking fit." I heard him leave his seat and make his way up to my room.

The door to my bedroom opens and it takes him a while to get the towel. I hear His footsteps walk up to the door of the bathroom before he stops.

I unlock the door slightly and stepped behind it so u couldn't see me and just see the toilet and sink next to me.

I grab the towel and shut the door in his face.

He stays at the door for awhile before quickly walking away.


I wrap myself up in the warmth and let out a deep sigh.

The hot air made me dizzy and nauseous.

I unlock the door and walk out. I catch Russos eyes. He just looks at me. He said nothing but his eyes said numbers.


He took the time to look at me up and down before I disappeared into my room.

The dress was still laid neatly infront of me,along with black heels and some gold jewellery.

The towel dropped on the floor and I got my and matching set one then stepped into my dress.

I added the necklaces,then my bracelet.

All left I had to do was makeup and my hair.

Drying my hair didn't take long and my makeup routine was limited because of the bag I brought it in.

The hairdryer turns on and starts to turn the dripping strands dry.

By the time it's done it's around half eight. I grab my makeup bag and walk to the long mirror in my room.

That didn't take long either so when I was done I walked straight out the bedroom into the living room.

He was doing push-ups. Shirtless.

His back muscles contracted and tensed with every movement and his abs were shiny with sweat.

Holy shit.

His grunts made my knees go jelly-like.

"Jesus love,take a picture it would last longer." He again didn't even look up from the ground.

Love. Holy-

"Don't fucking call me that." I look down at him again he came to a stop and jumped up from the ground.

He went off to the shower and I just sat there on the sofa.

Love? That was new. I hated it
No I didn't

My leg shook in boredom and went to grab my high heels from the other room.

"Ебена мать." Holy shit he grunted from the bathroom while the shower was turned on.

And so was I.

Shut up.

Maybe he stubbed his toe or he got in the water while it was still cold.

My mind was trying to make up anything that wasn't well.. that.

The black shoes caught my eye and I strap them on so they are neatly place on both my feet.

The shower turns off and he walks out with a towel around his wait.

Oh for fucks sake-

He looked out of breathe and his cheeks were painted pink.

He grabs his clothes and walks back into the bathroom getting changed,I hope.

I just wait outside the door and when he comes out his hair is still dripping wet.


"Fucking hurry up." I snap at him while unlocking the hotel door.

"Jesus fine you don't have to be a bitch about it." He quickly slips his shoes on before walking out the door.

"Don't call me a bitch u fucking man whore."


Next part will be in his POV 😉😉

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