Part three

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Maybe it was my fault that I chose this job over anything.

I could of been a lawyer, a scientist or even a fucking stripper.

Okay it was definitely my fault.

I'm pretty sure anything's better then being trapped with your enemy in a car on your way to a hotel that you had to stay in for two weeks.

Two weeks with that prick,I physically don't think I can handle this.

I knew staying with a man would be hard but I couldn't even bare to imagine the thought of seeing his face every morning.

Ill try my hardest to distance myself from him at anytime,but I know when there's a job to do, I won't let our bickering get in the way.

And if he was just as serious about this job he'd think the same.

Of course I trust Hart. I trust him with my life but his choice in his men confused me a little.

I had protection on me just in case, I know all too well that men can switch in a second.

I have two knives strapped on my thighs and a gun in my purse, so if he starts to become aggressive with me then I can easily defend myself.

You can't trust men in this day and age,multiple women get murdered,raped and kidnapped daily. And I refuse to become one of them.

Not after all my mama went through.

The car was slowing down slowly until it eventually came to a stop,I saw a grand hotel infront of me.

It was right by the ocean,balconies that's look over the blue Abis.

I just stared for awhile,how the stars littered the night sky and the ocean waves crashed against the rocks.

I get out the car and feel the now bitter breeze hit me in the face.

Russo is already inside and checking into the room while I move my gaze towards the row of flowers that sway in the distance.

My trainers connect with the pavement and the grasshoppers chirp in the bushes.

I make it up the steps and join Russo. He seemed rather annoyed at something.

""что значит только одна спальня"what do you mean only one bedroom!

He was tense and the woman behind the desk was shitting it.

"извините, сэр, я ничего не могу сделать"I'm sorry sir but there's nothing I can do.

The woman was borderline terrified,she was stiff and looked pale.

I see Russo snatch the Keys off the woman and storm upstairs.

I apologise to the lady and follow behind him quickly.

We get to the door and he swipes the card before entering before stopping in his tracks.

"ебать ради"fuck sake.

"I knew the room only had one bedroom but there's only one fucking bed in here." He was pissed off.


And so was I. Did someone do this as a sick joke because if so, i will find you.

I look beside him to find out what could possibly make him even more whiny and childish.

The hotel room was small,yet modern. It had a marble island in the kitchen and a cozy living room. But their was only one bed and only one bathroom.

How was I supposed to get ready while Russo was living it up in the bedroom.

There was no doubt he was the one sleeping on the sofa.

I needed my beauty sleep. My eyes leave my room and I can see him wondering around the house running his fingers along the surface of the fireplace.

"It will do I guess." A sarcastic grin laid on my face. If I was going to be stuck here for a couple weeks, I was going to make it entertaining.

"I'll take the sofa." He looks down at me.

"Ok,good." I almost completely disregarded him and walked straight to the bedroom.

My suitcase was already open and clothes were thrown and scattered across the floor.

Me saying I was tired is an understatement. If I didn't get into bed now I think I'd faint.

I am deciding against having a shower. It was half one in the morning and way past my bedtime.

But then again I usually fell asleep at ten.

I knew it was important to be up early in the morning to meet Hart but from what I'm guessing I won't be up until eleven.

I heard Russo throwing pillows and blankets onto the larger sofa all Awhile using his other hand to brush his teeth.

I couldn't help but stare at him. His jawline could cut glass and his honey eyes pierced into his phone.

The way his brown locks fell messy on his face and the way you could see his abs from the white T-shirt he was wearing.

"Quit the fucking staring Esmeray." He didn't look up from his phone,god he even had his AirPods in.

I didn't say anything,I was too tired to think, let alone reply to that dickhead.

I shut the door and embrace the darkness that washed over the room.

The only light coming was from the moon and the stars shining in my direction.

I feel around for the bed as I can't see and lay down on it, I place my phone and my purse down on the bed side table.

As I close my eyes thoughts flood my head about the mission I'm facing in a couple days.

How dangerous can it really be?

I had been training all my life and I wasn't going to let a middle aged man that's been planning to kill Hart take that away from me.

Although I don't understand if it was an easy job,why would Hart insist on bring Russo along with me.

Part of me knew that I was going to have to fight as hard as I ever have in my life.

I was risking a lot doing this job for Hart.

And it made me feel sick to my stomach

But another part of me knew that when the job is over I'd be one hundred thousand euros richer and I would never see the man that's sleeping 50 foot away from me.

I felt myself get more tired and my eyelids felt heavy. I gave up with the overwhelming thoughts and just laid there until I finally drifted off to sleep.

Please follow my tt at _h0n3yd3w for upcoming events and updates.

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