Part six

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It was just us. Me and Russo, sitting on a small table waiting to be accompanied by Hart.

After his shower, he seemed a lot more distant, not that I didn't mind it but he wouldn't even go near me.

But as he is practically being forced to right now, he's just choosing not to talk. At all.

It was awkward. I was fiddling with the red napkin folded into a swan and he was staring into the plate.

His finger tracing the table once before placing his hands on his lap.

I saw him look up at me once or twice every few minutes and I knew I had to say something before I went crazy.

"Hart is late,shall we order?" It was clear my stomach was the one talking.

"You can wait." His voice ran smoothly and his eyes met with mine again.


I haven't eaten since yesterday night and it was starting to get to me.

I mutter Spanish insults under my breath until I see the older man walk to our table.

"Thank fuck." A sigh of relief exits my mouth and I follow his figure sitting down right across from me.

"Nice to see you two this morning." He greets us both separately before grabbing the menu.

"Shall we order then." His eyes scanning the paper.

"Yes." I said immediately and Russo looks up at me all pissy.

"Okay, but before we must discuss the plan." He quietens down and leans forward towards us.

The plan can come after food.

"There will be trucks pulling up at 8 pm tomorrow."

"You two must wait for them to arrive and kill every last one of them. I want none alive. Do not let them get away."

"Where have they arranged the meet-up?" Russo moves closer in his seat

"How much are their?" I say my hunger fading

"An abandoned car park, my driver will get you there half an hour before they're arrival." Hart says before looking at the both of us.

"What are we supposed to do for half an hour." I whined, while faintly looking at over to mateo.

"I don't know, maybe resist the urge to kill each other." Hart chuckled while me and Russo had a cold expression on our faces.

"Funny. I guess I'll try." My sarcasm was clear to the two men in-front of me.

"Esmeray don't be surprised if i accidentally confuse you with the enemy's and shoot you." Russo speaks up.

He was serious.

"Well that wouldn't make you a great assassin,would it now?" I send him a fake smile.

His smile fades and he slumps back into his seat.

"We aren't exactly sure how many men will be there but im sure you can handle it." He looks at me and smiles.

"Of course Hart." I smile back and my fingertips trace the menu,hinting at my starvation.

"I expect you have your own weapons but if not they will be supplied for the mission." Hart speaks in a low voice.

"I've got everything I need." I say while looking at Russo.

I didn't, I was missing a couple knifes and I think I have a single gun in my possession.

It's fine guns aren't my specialty anyway.

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