Part seven

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It was the day of the mission. My body hadn't fully recovered from the walk I took yesterday and was still aching in my bed.

The clock read 9:53am and the sun was now brighter then ever.

My stomach hurts, badly. And my vision was blurry and I take a while to adjust to the room around me.

I have multiple things to do before even thinking of eating.

And the stress wasn't helping either. Hell the stress was maybe the thing keeping me from having my breakfast.

That makes more sense.

I push myself up off the bed and the room around me spins, before my eyes blur into darkness.

I shake it off and walk to the bathroom. I turn the tap and it runs cold.

I catch the water in the palm of my hands and splash it on my face, the freezing sensation waking me up completely.

I do it again, and again until my face couldn't take the numbing coldness  anymore.

The small towel pats my face dry and i unlock the door before walking out.

The living room was spotless, no mess on the floor or any of the surfaces. The washing up was done in the kitchen and had been put away.

I almost feel uneasy seeing the Room so empty and boring.

That's until I look over to the sofa infront of me, he was sprawled all over,the couch blankets scattered everywhere and his face buried into the pillow.

His shirt was discarded onto the other end of his make-do bed.

"Oi get up,missions today." I hush in a almost polite tone.

After i had gotten completely ignored I decided a different approach.

I raise my hand and slap him harshly, the stinging in my hand causing me to wince.

His body shoots up and his hand grabs my hair.

He pulls hard,My face now infront of him.

"Do that again and I'll fucking kill you." His accent runs strong and smooth.

I twist his hand until the grip on my hair falls loose.

"You couldn't,even if you tried." I whisper in his ear and I feel his body stiffen.

I let go and distance myself.

"Get ready missions today." I say to him before sitting on the sofa next to him.

"Why aren't you getting ready then?" He snaps at me.

"You take longer in the shower then I do. You'll go first." I lay back and ready my head against a pillow.

He just glared at me. Almost like he was cussing me out in his mind.

He walked out the room and I heard the bathroom door slam.

A deep sigh left my body as I grab for the controller. I hear the shower turn on in the backround as I flip through multiple channels.


It felt like only five or so minutes went by. I knew that was a lie as I heard Russo turning the shower off.

Yeah. It's been almost an hour. I only realised now that I had spent almost forty five minutes watching SpongeBob when I have a mission in a couple hours time.

I turn the tv off to get rid of any distractions and went to my room so he could change in the bathroom without me in the room in front of him.

I hear Russo picking up some sort of belt of the bathroom floor and wrapping it around him.

My door closes and I sit down on the floor and open my suitcase.

I need something easy to run in,but classy.

I pull out a red top. A lace back to it and very low cut.


I'm pretty sure if I wear this while running half my boob will be out when I'm getting shot at.

But it was cute, it would go very nice with some hoop earrings-


After rummaging for a while I pull out a short black dress. It was some what stretchy and had a slit up the thigh.

For running, of course.

I slip into the dress,just to try on. I need to shower but that dick can't figure out how to put a pair of socks on.

The back of the dress was cut low, showing off almost my entire back.

It reached to the middle of my thigh and shaped me quite nicely.

The door opened and my eyes dart to the man in front of me.

"Showers free." He looks at me up and down.

"You could of knocked what if i was getting changed!" That would be so unbelievably embarrassing.

"Whoops." He said without a hint of emotion and he left the door open as he walked away.

I sigh and grab all the necessities I need for my shower before I walk out of the room.

The bathroom was hot and the windows were fogged up.

I lay down my towel and let my clothes fall from my body.

I showered somewhat quickly and felt the cold air hit my body as I opened the steaming door.

My towel was wrapped tightly around my torso and I hurried to my room where I had my outfit laid out.

By the time I get changed it's quarter to 11 and way past breakfast.

I'll have lunch.

I walk out the room and see Russo in the kitchen. He was washing up cutlery and baking tools.

"I made cookies, you want one?"


"No thanks, you've probably poisoned it." That made him roll his eyes but he didn't argue.

"You got me there Esmeray." He grabbed the cookie and instead of shoving it down my throat, and killing me in the process,
He ate it?

Oh,it wasn't poisoned. Whoops.

"So-." I begin before he cuts me off.

"What did you have for breakfast?" He asks in a stern tone.

"Well um,nothing."I wonder if he's trying to get on my good side before he kills me.

"Oh,what about yesterday, what did u have for lunch and dinner?" He comes towards me,his eyes fixated on my fingers playing with the hem of my dress.

"It doesn't really matter Russo."

"Very well. There's food in the fridge if you get hungry." He shrugs and continues tidying.

I nod my head and find myself staring at him.
His eyes,arms,hands,hair just everything.


I need to start training to get him off my mind.

But I still felt this feeling about this man,a bad one.

I'm sorry for the boring chapter but next one will hopefully be better 💗

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