Chapter One

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i look over my math notes for my college class. "I'm going to bomb this examine." i think to myself. having crap math skills doesn't mix well with college guys who have been doing advanced math since forth grade. The soft rumble of people in the cafe makes it hard to concentrate when i over hear... "you're nothing but a prick we're over!" a young twenty something girl whisper yells to her now ex-boyfriend. i almost felt bad for the guy when she poured her hot cup of coffee on his head but the reason why she broke up with him was becuase she found out he slept with her sister two weeks before today. i guess that goes to prove all guys are complete horny pigs. when things get boring they look for the next fake thing and i truly believe she loved him i dont think you pour hot coffee on someone you don't care about. they say that you only fight with people you care about. i gave up on studying all together after that deciding my apartment will make a better space to focus. i pick up my cup of tea and let the warmth hug my ribcage as i sip on it watching out the window at the blowing leaves in early spring.
i look around the cozy little cafe and find myself in a small stare down with a man i assume was watching me before i locked in his gaze. the corners of his mouth turn upward like he found joy in capturing my attention. i look away blushing because no attractive man has ever stared at a bland girl such as myself. well, hes not attractive but rather a major hottie wait, did i just say major hottie? dear god I'm in college. i looked at him for maybe thirty seconds and he makes me think like a middle school girl who just had her first kiss. "are you from around here?" the creeper somehow sneaked his way into the chair that sits across from me and keeps his blue-white eyes on me. "why do you ask?" i take notice to his perky british accent. "i just moved here from england, that you already knew probably, I'm not familar with this area."

"is that why you where starring at me?"

"no, i was hoping to have a beautiful like you show me around."

my blush deepens looking at his features. brown soft hair that fell perfectly, his arms had bloches of ink in creative pictures or words, looked very strong in all areas. "you find me attractive." he grins taking notice to my long study of him. "i find you creepy." he chuckles. his eyes form crinkles in the corners and his nose slightly does this cute little thing where it also crinkles.
"i guess i should have started with my name maybe you would feel more comfortable with louis, and your name is?..."

"that depends on if you're going to murder me or not..."

"I'm gentle, i promise, i can't legally own a weapon in the U.S. until I'm a full citizen."

"out of all things you study about america you decide weapon control is the first thing? now I'm so much more comfotable with you." i state sarcastically with a blank face "i have a lot of studying to do. i don't have time to show you the town. I'm sorry, you will have to find someone else to show you."

"the chances of me coming across beauty like yours will never happen again. i just need to know how to get back to Pine Valley apartments i lost my way home when i went to explore the town."
those are the same apartments i live in...shit. i sigh and look at him "i live at Pine Vally-"
"great, can you take me? now?" he says suddenly fast like hes nervous "uh i don't-" he takes my hand and pulls me out of the cafe like it was going to colapse on us. "hey Lucy." officer kelly greats me with his usual smile going in for his late afternoon coffee. "hello officer kelly." i say fast as I'm rushed past him.

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