Chapter Sixteen

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i meet Niall outside by his car he rented while he's here with me after i got dressed in a black silky dress that goes to my knees and high heels, so i can actually reach the stand when i speak. "you look beautiful." he opens my door for me. hes a bit of a flirt and a gentlemen two things louis promised he would be. "thank you, Niall. you don't look too bad yourself." i give him a soft smile and get in with the help of him holding my hand. he dresses in a black tailored suit, with black tie of course, and a white shirt under his jacket. he looked like he could model in paris.

ever since i tried to almost killed myself last night, Niall has been very protective. i found him in my bed this morning when i woke up, he climbed in with me while i was asleep, but i didn't mind. for just a moment i felt louis next to me again. "are Liam, Zayn, harry, and louis' mom going to make it today?" i ask as we drive to the funeral home.
"yeah they're already there. they really want to meet you."
"I'm excited to meet them." i look down at the ring shining in the suns rays.

when we arrive I'm greeted by a women running up to me and embracing me in a very tight hug. i look at Niall and mouth "is this his mom?" pointing at the women sobbing on my shoulder. he nods and i wrap my arms around her. "I'm happy to meet you, I'm just sorry we had to meet like this." she says with a british accent through her tears. "you would have been an amazing daughter in law to have."
"I'm happy to meet you too, I'm sorry you had to lose your son." i whisper. she pulls away looking at me. "you are beautiful, louis told me about you and seeing you here today i can see why he was so in love with you."

The three of us go into the home and Niall takes my arm softly before i was about to enter the room where louis is laying. "you should meet Liam, harry, and Zayn before you go in there...I'll go with you."
"okay." my voice comes out low.
we walk up to the three gentlemen who are dressed to the nines as well. harry wears a hat over his long locks of wavy hair and a scarf around his neck, his under shirt was black instead of white. liam and zayn wear almost the same outfit as niall just liam has a bow tie and zayn keeps his shirt unbuttoned at the top, very laid back looking. "guys this is louis' fiancé, lucy...lucy, this is harry, Zayn, and Liam." he points to each as he list them.
Liam pulls me into a warm hug."I'm sorry for your loss." he kisses my cheek.
harry hugs me next. "you will be in my payers." another kiss.
Zayn of course. "were all here for you." and one last kiss.
"thank you guys." i feel my cheeks are wet. niall comes up to me and wipes my cheeks with his gentle soft fingertips. "do you want to see louis before they close the casket?" i nod sniffling. he takes my hand and walks in with me. "will you stay with me?" i whisper.
"of course."

we walk up to louis very slowly like we both want to say our goodbyes, but we don't want to make our minds completely aware that this is real and he's gone. i look down at the man i love, so peaceful and not in pain anymore. tears fall down my face fast as i reach into niall's jacket pocket, and pull out a gold band. i pick up louis' cold hand placing it on his ring finger my hands shake not wanting to believe these hands with never hold me again. "i love you, louis. where ever you are, i hope you're not in pain and you can still protect me. i still need you." i whisper and kiss his cheek. i step aside so Niall can say his goodbyes when he turns to me hes crying i wrap my arms around him. "we have each other now, i think he woud like that."

"everyone take their seats." the presist says as they close louis in his box to be shipped to heaven in sealing my fate that this is it. i sit with Niall in the front row crying into his chest not really hearing what the man says as a million memories race through my head. his touch, his laugh, his smile, everything he is and ever will be is not dead he lives on inside of me, he is apart of me and forever will be. "please welcome lucy." i snap back and wipe my eyes looking at Niall. "you can do it." he kisses my cheek and hands me my speech. i stand and walk up to the stand.

"hello everyone, i know most of you don't know me or we have just met today, but I'm sure louis would have been happy to see how many people showed up." i look down at my speech and back to Niall. i crumple up the paper and throw it to the floor. "i don't need a speech to tell you louis was the most kind and gentle man i have ever met. what we had together can't be written on paper it was only for us to share. if he were here he would have told you he's the lucky one, but thats not true at all, i was the lucky one. louis wanted to spend his last days with me, I'm forever greatful for those months we spent together. he wanted to touch the stars, i never meant for it to be like this. i wanted him to get better, so maybe someday we could build a rocketship and live forever in a new world where he didn't have to get sick or die. we could be infinte dancing on top of the moons light instead of under it. i love louis he wanted to marry me, but he gave me my beautiful ring just before he left me. i heard him take his last breath if i could have ran in there and gave him mine i would have. he didn't want me to watch him die, so i stayed where i was. i keep telling myself he's not in pain anymore and he needs to go home, but he was home with me. I'm lost without him. i hope where ever you are, louis, the stars are shining for you and when i look out the window at them tonight i know you will be somewhere among them."

after i gave my speech i was greeted with many hugs and everyones best wishes for me. the boys have made plans for us to go explore places while they're here, i assume so i can keep my mind busy. i don't know if i will ever get through missing louis, but i know i will get through some of the pain. i look for Niall i can't find him, so i decide to head to the car holding myself since it's cold out this evening. as i walk to a jacket slides on my shoulders i look up seeing Niall. "sorry, Liam wanted to talk to me...are you ready to go?" i pull his jacket close to me the sweet smell of his colonge lingers on it. "yeah." i look back to the new soil where louis is.
"you're my angel now, i love you louis." the wind blew softly and i swear i heard his voice saying.
"i love you too, angel."

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