Chapter Eleven

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our breaths mixed together between rose lips until the moans that begged for escape could not be contained. hips grinding on hips and hands feeling new velvet skin kissed by the ice gods. with pain came pleasure. with suttle sighs came loud screams of names calling aupon sweet realese. he filled me with love even when i left my nail marks in his back like the little pains i gave him only drove him harder into me. there was a rush of blackness then the sky opened up to me...he took me to the stars each little twinkle was there and he was there. for the first time on that night louis's skin blazed with heat. he was alive with my love and he returned the favor by letting my body shower in heavenly orgasmic liberation.

"i love you." i pant looking up at him as my head rests against his chest. "i love you baby." i feel his chest rise and fall pressing my cheek into his skin then pulling away. "i don't feel good..." his voice is hushed . he lets me go springing out of bed holding his stomach. i get out of bed to follow him. "stay." he says sharpy and runs into the bathroom. i look out the window at the stars that flirt with each other and i listened to the sounds of my sick lover.
he frightens me when his hand touches my back i turn my attention to him. "it's just my medicine. if i do a lot of physical activity my body reacts to it harshly."
"i guess i should top from now on."
"this won't always happen. i just took my medicine while you were in the shower it didn't fully have time to dissolve."
"you don't have to make excuses lou, you're sick and-"
"you make me forget I'm sick."
i look at him for a moment then i find myself smiling at him. "i want to take care of you like you take care of me."
"you just did that babe. you finally let me love you the way you deserve." he smiles back at me and i kiss his shoulder. "we should get some rest." i lay down resting my casted arm on my stomach. louis pulls the blankets over us pulling me to his side. "were you watching the stars before i came in?"
"yes, why?"
"i saw them twinking in your eyes when you looked at me. good night angel, i love you."
"i love you."

"lets go to the park! it's been so long since you let me go anywhere!" i say full of engery from the past week of laying in his bed. "we can go." he laughs i believe he was happy to see me happy. he picks me up over his shoulder. "Louis! put me down!" i demand through my giggles. "at the park." He says trying to hold my wiggly body.

we arrive at the park the warm summer sun washing my body in its heat. "it's so nice and there is not one cloud in the sky." louis sits me on a swing. "I'm going to push you so you don't have to use your wrist too much. you're getting your cast off next week i don't want to see it on you any longer. when you're in pain, I'm in pain." i feel his palms push me softly and i pump lightly with my feet. i don't notice how thermic his skin feels i guess i only noticed because i wanted to know why he was always cold, but now that i know his many other traits distract me, especailly his eyes. they were like looking into an ice coverd ocean.

"are you getting bored of this?" he asks after awhile of lightly sending me back and fourth. "anytime i can be with you is time well spent, but we could go for a walk. I'm in the mood to hold your hand." he stops pushing me and walks in front of me holding his hands out. i take them his stong arms flex as he forces my body against his. "how do you get so stong?" i study his arms like i usaully do after we make love, and yet i still find new tattoos. "i workout while you take your other classes." he holds the hand that doesn't have a cast on the wrist and walks us down the concrete path that goes through the park. "i wish we had more classes together."
"you don't want to spend all this time with me because I'm dying do you?"
"you're not dying, louis. you're going to live. i don't spend time with you because i pitty you, i do it because i love you."
"i love you to the moon." he kisses my forehead.
"speaking of the moon...i have two tickets to goto the planetarium in Chicago this saturday, would you be my date?"
"how did you get those? I've been wanting to go there since i was four! of course i will go!" he wraps me up in his arms spinning me in two circles and i giggle holding his shoulders. "i saved my money to get them. i was going to give them to you on your birthday in a few weeks, but i thought of something better." i wink at him my legs wrapped around his waist
"you can't just tease a man like that..." he looks at me with his lip out in a pout.
"I'm not teasing. I'm sure you will get more loving before your birthday."
"tonight is before my birthday." i watch a grin grow on his face.
"your place or mine?"

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