Chapter Five

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as i curl my hair into loose waves for the night ahead i think about how the only warm body part louis had was his lips. our pre-date kiss turned into a pre-date make out my hands found new sensations under his shirt where he let me travel. the hard muscles of his stomach were cold, my hands moved up his back feeling him flex with his hands on the wall in closing me in with his body as if he was protecting me. every inch of his back was cold. he let me touch him and kiss him all i wanted and i did, but no where below his waist...we didn't know enough about each other to be that intimate. not once did he return his hands on my body when i asked him why he wasn't touching my body he said:
"i don't want you to think I'm all about sex. yes, i do want to, someday, make love to you and make you feel that deep passion we both crave. tonight isn't my night, it's yours. touch me all you want if that makes you comfortable with me, but don't think I'm like the rest. I'll prove I'm a gentlemen to you until the day i die."
for some reason i find myself jealous of death. louis talks about him like they're best friends which leaves my skin tingling with fright. i shake my head away from the thought of louis dying causing me to stab my eye with the wand on my masscara. i knew enough dead people in my life he was the last person i wanted dead. did i push him away? yes. was i a bit rude sometimes? yes, but more compassionate than most new yorkers would have been dragging them out of a cafe without knowing their name...these people carry pistols in their back pockets. did i waste hours trying to prove to myself that i was better than him? yes, i wasn't giving him the proper chance. louis is sweet and so loving, all i did was give him shit based off of his tattoos, tossled bedhead hair, and too good attitude.
when an angel who plays with ouija boards behind gods back picks a under loved, school devoted, over emotinal girl as myself to pursue on a date seems like a sick joke, but he's not laughing at me yet...we still laugh together in beautiful harmony. I'll give him tonight and if this night goes as every date I've watched in hopless hollywood propaganda he will give me tomorrow morning. my thoughts are inturrupted by the loud buzzing of my phone on the marble counter in my small kitchen. i race to my phone excitement pulsing through me like it was my favorite drug and he was my favorite person to be tripping on.
LOUIS: hey angel ;) i bet you look beautiful. come outside and jump into my arms to warm me...I'm cold without you :( my craving for you almost hurts i don't want to wait any longer...come be in like with me.
like you very much,
i laugh. even though he made sure twenty times i gave him right number before i left, he had to sign his name at the end. he needs to say no more to convince me to leave. i slip on my glossy black heels with a peep toe and smooth out my dress. my dress was brezy with just the right movement and clung to my curves in some places stopping at my knees with snow lace. i bite my lip looking around my mix of ocean and sky blue paint on the walls of my apartment, reading the same qoute i read everyday that hung just beside a flat screen t.v. in my living room just next to my kitchen that read:
"she was always like the moon, part of her was hidden."
i don't know who said it, but it said so much of who i was in a manner of eleven words. it hung in a cluster of small D.I.Y glittery stars i made and a cut out of the moon, of course in only half the suns light, from one of my space magazines. i forced my feet to walk out my door grabbing my key as i went. i was ready until it was time to be ready then my legs froze and my heart stopped as i stood at that last red door that hid louis behind it. i turned looking up the stairs each side of the hall conatined two doors ungreedily spaced giving each neighbor room to breath, to my left was where i picked up my mail.i was studying these everyday details to push him away again the stairs becoming my new favorite subject. i was deciding if i should run back up them or if i should open the door to a once in a lifetime date with a man greek couldn't mention in their methology. my phone made a loud ping and my eyes went wide. "i heard that angel..." there was that sweet voice i was yerning for.
i open the door slowly as if i was performing a magic trick and he would be turned into a frog, but there stood all 5'8, dressed in black skinny jeans, a t-shirt with a worn with time rolling stones symbol, and a black fitted blazer. i looked over him until our eyes met. he was looking at me too while i scanned every inch of him. "i was right...pure beauty." his hand skims my wrist searching for mine when our palms touch his fingers tangle in between mine. "you clean up very nicely too..very nicely" i repeat myself getting lost in his eyes. i take in every detail of the person he is on this night; his curved bubble gum pink lips, his strong jawline, he even put in time to sweep his hair back off his face. this was not real, his hand in mine was not real, his eyes prying apart my thoughts as if we could speak mentally was not real, love was not real. love was a hollywood jedi mind trick. it was then, louis's hand pressed to my warm cheek sending those lovely chills into my spine giving me a sweet smile, it was then i knew what love was because he looked back at me his eyes sculpted with the very thing called love. he is love and this was me falling helplessly and infinitly in love with him.

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