Book one chapter 5:The air generator (part three)

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The morning of the planned event has arrived when the Air Gear Masters Airship landed on the air generators landing pad and once it landed the Air Gear master came out of the airship looking like a big fan with legs with red arrows instead of blue.

"Air Gear master Meelo nice to see you for the inspection." Say the healthcare worker to greet the Air Gear Master Meelo like a lap dog as Meelo approach the factory entry and then says "The Tron sends me like the other gear Masters to expect places like these to see if they are in up-to-date and running smoothly so we can all be happy,Ok!"

"Are all gear master like that?" Asked Tara after seeing Meelo, like that.

"Well his lack of patience for those who serve them and envy of his old siblings that are better air benders than him, till the Tron gave him the gears that even Tazen reluctantly on it helping him but the Tron ordered Meelo back stab his whole family so he can get the gig." Answered Gizmo when they see the air game master passing by for the inspection.

Moments later after Meelo drop off his gear before the inspection and the whole thing was standard but when he eats the tainted treat and made him groggy enough to hear the riot go off, Tara and Orion with some the God's weapons he rated from the weapon Armory head to the Gear brain room and when they got there the entry is airlock was not only Airbender can open it but Tara's airbending is not strong enough when he try to open it.

"You know Tara," says Orion when he see Air gear master Meelo who is behind them and still recovering "A true master know how to use his opponent's strength," then they duck away as Meelo use his right arm air gear as Orion says "against, them!"

Meelo's modded airbending did open the door when Tara and Orion slip into the door at its widest realizing keep praying room is in the Avatar room where the most of the oldest statues were destroyed with who Tara thinks is Avatar Korra's remains.

"How did they let this happen?" Asked Tara in shock like the balance was completely destroyed.

"When we realized I need to move forward or we will be in a permanent State as a primal race and our Harmony had died long ago." Say Meelo as he enter after the door completely opens and fully recovered.

"Do you have a riots to worry about Meelo?" Asked Orion seem to find Meelo more irresponsible didn't expected.

"Oh had the Avatar's ever consider-" but Tara knocked Meelo down on his butt then say to him "safe control and you made the air locks to produce more wind."

"You can't just let everyone into exclusive places like these." Says Meelo as he get back on his feet confirming that I've been ready to be open by gear Masters and then Tara pound the floor and push the chunk an earth friend Kick at Meelo to begin the fight.

Meelo's Anthony was a skills have more power than normal Airbenders with its fans to boost it, Tara is able to fire an airbend with no water to Ben but Orion seems to use the Firearms it seems to fire some kind of adhesive to gum them up and they seem to gum them up good.

"I never thought of using this," says Meelo as he about to use what seem to be his air pack gear that gave him more altitude "but earthbenders are so stuck to the ground." But when Meelo turn it on it short him into the rooms ceiling does making Tara and Orion thinks that things been, "ggg" tampered with when he hits the ceiling.

"Yeah you should never leave gear to those that set off a riots," say Gizmo who in the doorway of the Avatar room " no the keys to your ride" showing the key's to Meelo's airship Tara was not please while Orion interfaces with the gear brain to find the next location of the next gear brain.

Later as they escaped in Meelo's airship Tara thought this would of been better resolved and says "What a disaster. "

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