Book one chapter two: A gear in the settlement

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Once Tara and the White lotuses member's got into the settlement he gave the order to remove the blindfolds on Orion and once it's been removed or Ryan sees that Tara's settlement look like a pagan settlement with the Avatar statue at the center.

"This is what you Gear's had drove us to after your Tron had brought ruin to all of Civilization by ending Korra's." Say the White Lotuses member that remove the blindfold from Orion.

"Well your clutching to the old ways is what led you to and always will be into conflict." Says Orion which made the other White Lotus turned off upon it.

"Well sorry for not complying to the trans well oil Visions at least we're not Red Lotus anarchists that praise a dead mad woman." Says Luca who not fond of Orion's the remark as he uncuff him.

Then Tara being Onion to his home and on the way Onion see around him that most of you haven't barely working at their eldest page while those I can bend to old it's like that bending Style hits a wall even at secondary bending Style and this no additional means of technical devices in the settlement.

"You Gear's would zero in on places like these without Mercy if you have more than what we have here." Explain Tara when they got to his home it was your usual Earth huts Orion when they went in find it off like he went Into the Dark Ages.

"With all I seen on the way here you vendors decide to live in the Dark Ages due to your own rebellion and fight over means and desires and the find the balance to get in the way." Replied Onion as they enter Tara's home in their only a bed a table and what seem to be a Spirit meditation circle on the far right end.

"Just don't touch anything while am matting subset at that table." Says Tara to Orion and went to his meditation Circle as Orion takes a seat,while Tara is meditating Orion scans around his home and found what seemed to be a hidden lid under his bed and then got up while trying not to disturb Tera as he left the bed and open the lid and what seems to be stairs to the sub for and as he descends to the sub for Orion found himself in a long hallway with what seems to be some kind of gear brain at the end.

"Why does he have one here and also why us it off?" Thought Orion as he looked closely at the thing and found a switch but when Tara Russian to try and stop him it was too late.

Once Orion turned on the gear brain it shot what seems to be a beam of light into his eyes and see what seems to be the Northern Air Temple which is now one of the four gear men Factory the one that makes weapons that is.

"Wake up...," says Avatar Tara as Orion is regaining Consciousness after being out for estimatively 8 hours "Can you tell me what had happened that made the gear brain explode."

Then Orion sees what's left of the gear brain and then says " I just turned on and something went into my eyes it was some kind of vision of the Northern Air generators."

Then Tara says to Orion "Then get out of here before your so call Allied fine this place and gun it to the ground."

"Not without you Avatar Tara," says Orion "Since the spirit want no needs us to be together for some reason and Golden gear soldiers don't directly react to a down gear brain they have sometimes to prepare some supplies before they catch wind." Avatar Tara feel very mixed up on this as he and Orion into something that they don't completely understand.

"I only have a few mags lift with the arms that I have and you'll probably have to bring some food after saying your goodbyes." Says Orion as he out of Avatar Tara's home to inform the chief on what he saw.

"Ok let me get this," says the settlement chief after hearing what Orion said about what he think is a vision that could end the golden gear Empire "the vision the gear brain gave you want to find what it called the prime drive and it the only thing that can bring down the golden gear Empire the next clue being in the northern Air generator."

Then Avatar Tara says as he came " I know it sounds crazy but it exploded in May got the attention of other gear soldiers and all we know they're on our way to gun us down."

"Well our protocols determines when something like this happens to," explain Orion " sending scanning drones to where it went down but they will make camp in case it's going farther than they normally go with their usual power sources."

"How long will that take for them to make?" Ask the settlement chief "three weeks." Answered Orion.

" then there's no time to lose." Says Avatar Tara and then without delay word about the gear solider are coming spread for the whole settlements and it happens packed what they can and sub with the can slow them down at best.

"We got all the people into the Escape tunnels the soldiers will be there in an hour," says the head White Lotus to Tara " but can you really trust this thing with what he found out?"

"I may not completely trust him," says Tara " but it seems to be the only way to end this once and for all."

"Well even I don't completely understand it right now," say Orion to Tara " but the Northern Air Temple or a generator now that is maybe where we can find our first lead."

Then without further delay the summit people and the Avatar with the gear Soldier went their separate ways as other geared soldiers are getting through the traps and other means delays as they make it into the settlement.

Moments later a handful of gear soldiers with their Battalion leader got into the settlement and all that his men to search the area for the gear brain that brought them here, the soldiers looked in all the huts and did found some trace of inhabitants but one of them found the remains of the gear brain's black box and gave to its leader and once he scanned the Box it reads that Orion was the last one that used it and says to his men "Men Orion has went road now and simply one of the summit find them and if he doesn't comply shoot them down and any possible benefit that seems to be with him that gets in your way do you get me?"

Then the troops shouted "WE GET YOU SIR!" And heads into the Escape Routes and by the infrared follow the paths and that have more than one tunnel the reports to later to the nearest Outpost " this is Italian leader Commander kaito reporting O'Brien has gone AWOL," then he turns on his infrared and sees unless he the trail the Orion accident went into "and he seem to be with the Avatar."

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