All of the bands went onto their own busses and we loaded up to ours. Thankfully going on such a huge tour with huge bands meant we had luxury busses. We each all had our own room and small bathroom with double beds, this was gonna be quite comfortable.Once we all unloaded our clothes and personal belongings we sat in the communal area. "First stop is Las Vegas, we are heading along the cost making our way through the states in a couple of months" the bus driver announced. We cheered. It was only 11:30 but we were ready to start partying.
"Lay down" heather instructed as i layed down on the table and she poured vodka down my throat. The one thing in the group i was known for was my tolerance to vodka, no one else could drink it straight like I could and it was so extremely funny to me. Heather proceeded to take a shot of whiskey placing the shot glass between my cleavage we all laughed and clapped for her. And like me with vodka— Heather was known for her whiskey tolerance.
"Hey how about some of this?" Harry walked over from the makeshift kitchen with a jug of mixed alcohol's too say it looked unappealing was an understatement. "I know it looks like ass but it'll fuck us up and it tastes.. okay" Ziggy laughed following behind Harry with cups for all of us.
We all took a sip and surprisingly it was okay. "This has got to be a tour tradition now" Landon laughed as we all chugged it down as we agreed with him. They weren't lying when they said it would fuck us up.
We all managed to finish the huge jug and was having a great time, we contained to play games, loser had to take 5 shots in a row with no chaser and we were just having fun. I knew this band was something special the moment we decided to make it, never in my wildest dreams did i believe we would be here right now and too know it is only the beginning is something amazing. If only we knew in this moment how life changing this really was going to be.
"Victoriaaaa!!!!" Landon drunkenly slurred towards me as I was standing pouring myself another drink— my favourite vodka and lemoade. "Hi Landon" i smiled drunkenly too the tall blonde blue eyed boy in front of me. "Your so beautiful Vic" he came up to me. "Your adorable" i tapped him on the nose. "Still in the friendzone?" He whispered too avoid the others hearing.
"Landon.." I started. Landon admitted around a year ago his small crush on me, despite my attraction too him I mean he is gorgeous. We couldn't put the band at risk if things hit the fan. We both knew that and agreed the band was more important, nothing ever happened besides a few drunken kisses. "I know I know" he nodded. "Your just.. you" he sighed.
"Oh Lan" I put my hands on his face. "Come with me" I said, we both stumbled away to my room. "And" I responded to him. "Come here" he pulled me into a longing hug. We always got like this when we were drunk, we couldn't help it. Drunk words are sober thoughts. Now in no way was I in love with Landon, or he was in love with me but we had a soft spot for one another knowing we could never have more, even if we weren't in a band. We were just too different but we had a connection, but it was just platonic.
"Don't get sappy on me now big guy" i chuckled. "Fuck off Vic" he laughed. "This tour has big things for us" I told him holding his face. "And your gonna meet someone amazing i just know it" I smiled. "Once last kiss?" He asked and i nodded. We knew this would be the last time we could ever discuss this. His lips connected with mine and we kissed passionately, who knows if it was just the alcohol or something real but we would never know after this moment.
We parted and smiled at one another playfully laughing too ignore the bittersweet moment. I wonder what would would happen if we weren't in the situation we were in. "Let's find you a groupie tonight mr" I roughed up his hair. "Your a freak Vic" he smiled. "But yes let's do it" He laughed causing me too giggle, i was glad there was no awkwardness.
Fanfic"Nobody has ever measured, even poets, how much a heart can hold." -Zelda Fitzgerald When a dream-ridden wanna be rockstar starts out on the biggest journey of her life, will it be dismantled by the infamous rockstar? or the start to something beaut...