Sean Monahan #23

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Your POV

The Calgary Flames were facing off against the Chicago Blackhawks tonight at Scotiabank Saddledome tonight. My longtime boyfriend Sean was an anxious mess going into to the game due to the fact that the blackhawks were Stanley Cup Champions in 2010, 2013, and 2015. I tried everything in my power to try to calm him down, but to no avail did it work.

"Sean, calm down baby. It's just one game. One out of eighty-two."

He turned to look at me with a look of pure frustration displayed on her face. "(Y/N) you do NOT understand. I am expected to do something and I cannot do something when you are bringing me down." He yelled at me.

"I am not bringing you down Sean! I'm just telling you to chill out! You cannot win them all."

"Get out! I don't need you bringing me down and telling me what to do! I do not need you in my life and I don't even know how I made it through the past 5 years with you"

I nodded my head as tears started to leave my eyes. "I hate you Sean." With that being said I walked towards the door not looking back. When I hopped into my car and drove towards a place where I knew I would be safe. I pulled into Johnny's driveway less than twenty minutes later. When I knocked on the door Johnny answered with a smile on his face until he saw the tears streaming down my face.

"(Y/N) what's wrong?" He asked with a frown displayed on his face. I couldn't get the words out of my mouth therefore Johnny pulled me into a hug rubbing my back soothingly as I cried into his shoulder. Johnny led me into the house where he sat me down on the couch before going into the kitchen. He came back into the living room with a quart of ice cream and two spoons, handing one to me.

"What happened (Y/N)? You know you can tell me anything, right?"

"Sean is stressed about the game tonight. I tried to logically talk him down, but he told me he didn't need, he told me to get out." I said releasing a huge sigh.

"He doesn't know what he is missing out on (Y/N). You are wonderful, smart, beautiful, and so much more."

I nodded and mumbled a thank you blushing as I continued eating out of the ice cream quart sitting in front of me. Johnny leaned down and placed a soft kiss on my temple before getting up from the couch and retrieving a blanket from the hallway closet. He placed the blanket over the both of us before turning on Netflix to my favorite TV show. The last thing I remember before my eyelids drooped closed was the sound of Johnny's soft snores echoing throughout the room.

I woke up alone in an unfamiliar room and in an unfamiliar house. I stretched out my arms above my head and walked into the kitchen to see Johnny on his phone dressed in his game day suit. He was turned away from me, so he had yet to know I was behind him. When he hung up the phone he turned around and saw me standing in front of him.

"The game starts in a bit, do you want to go?"

I contemplated the idea until I agreed to attend. "Do you want to borrow a jersey?"

I nodded as he went into his room and came out with a Calgary Flames home Gaudreau jersey in his hands. I slipped it on over my thin white shirt I was currently wearing before heading out the door following Johnny. When we arrived at the arena I went downstairs with Johnny before going to find my seat. I placed a quick kiss on Johnny's cheek for good luck before turning around and taking the elevator up to the first floor. When I was about to exit the elevator none other than Sean himself entered the elevator.

We didn't share anything but a stare as I exited the elevator and he entered it. As I was walking away from the elevator I heard him say my name softly. I turned around to see tears fill his eyes and a look of desperation written on his face. I turned back around quickly and ran down the halls of the arena away from the man that broke my heart a few mere hours ago.

When I arrived at my seat it was time for the teams to come out for warm ups. Johnny emerged from the tunnel with a gleaming smile spread across his face while Sean emerged from the tunnel with a solemn, depressed look on his face. Johnny was not interacting with Sean through warm ups which made me kind of confused, because I din't want to ruin their friendship. I couldn't help but watch Sean's smooth movements on the ice every game, but tonight his moves were anything but smooth.

After the national anthems had been sung the puck was dropped. The blackhawks were a lot more dominant with the puck and by the time the first period had ended the score was in the favor of the hawks 3-0 with goals from Toews, Shaw, and Teravanian.

The second period wasn't any different. Sean's mistakes were affecting the team and I could tell he was getting frustrated especially when Chicago scored for the fourth time that night which was scored by Seabrook.

The game went on and the flames lost by a score of 5-0. I walked down to the locker room to wait for Johnny to get showered and dressed. After a few of the guys had emerged from the locker room Johnny came out and pulled me into a hug. I comforted him as he put his head in the crook of my neck. He pulled his head back and stared directly into my eyes.

"I love you (Y/N). I always have. I was just too scared to admit it. You being with Sean didn't help either."


He cut me off by grabbing the back of my head and pulling me in for a kiss. The kiss was slow and sensual. Something didn't feel right as he continued to kiss me.

"Johnny, stop! Please!"

He pulled away from me with a look of sorrow on his face. That was until he was grabbed by the shoulder and pinned against the closest wall.

"What the actual hell Gaudreau! Get away from (Y/N)!"

"Let him go Sean!"

"Stay out of this (Y/N)!"

I grabbed Sean's shoulder before dragging him into the parking lot outside.

"What the actual hell to you Sean? You are such an asshole. You have no right to go after Johnny like that. I am not yours Sean!"

"His hands were all over you (Y/N)! I do not like for you to be treated like that! I love you, don't you get that? I didn't want to disappoint you tonight and I did!"

Tears were now streaming down his face. I cupped his face in my hands and forced him to look me in the eyes.

"Sean, you broke me when you said you didn't need me. I love you, not Johnny. You could never disappoint me baby."

He gave me a weak smile a crashed his lips on top of mine.

"I will never hurt you again baby girl. I promise."

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